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deerhound crosses

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A guy asks a simple question; " Deerhound crosses, anyone still use them?", and as usual it turns into a "this X is crap, this X is great, my X is better than yours" nonsense.To

answer the question, there are some guys in Scotland, who are on this site, who are not getting involved in the arguments, but must be laughing their socks off as they own 1st and 2nd X deer/greys that are awsome on hares. It's a pointless argument, 'cause you get the X you think is best for you; anything from a beddy/whippet to a deer/grey.


Did I say deerhounds are crap? I said they were breed for deer and not rabbit and hares doesn't mean they cant catch them just means 99% of them aren't going to be the best at R,H. salukis weren't bred for rabbit and aren't the best at it but they will catch them, they have the wrong running style for them. cross one with a greyhound and its a different matter as are 3/4 greyhound 1/4 deerhounds . As you say It's a pointless argument, as they say horses for courses.

Mush, don't take things so personally, I was being rhetorical. I love ALL running dogs, I had a pure Beduin Saluki for 17 yrs in the middle east, excelled in that enviroment but probably couldn't live with a good lurcher here. When I got back here my heart said Deer X or Saluki X, but I wouldn't have the work for one, so I went for an "all rounder", Bed/Grey X Deer/Grey-Whippet/Grey, she's only 6 month but shapping up great. Everyone to their own!


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I don't take things personally but its hard to no who's posts some people are replying to, So what was you after with all them crosses, should do ok as it has a lot of greyhound in it.

good luke with your pup.

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I don't take things personally but its hard to no who's posts some people are replying to, So what was you after with all them crosses, should do ok as it has a lot of greyhound in it.

good luke with your pup.

Actually theres not too many crosses in her, 1/4 terrier, 3/4 longdog. I took an instant like because both parents are genuine workers and both breeders are genuine dog men who still take an interest in the pups. Many years ago hare was the be all and end all of my interest, but now it's mooching about, feretting and a bit lamping. If she shows promise on hare, fox or deer, then doubtless she will get a go on them, but rabbit remains the priority.


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bred a similar litter one time but with collie instead of Belington, smallest was a rough coated whippet type of about 19 inches and the biggest looked like a pure greyhound and was 27 inches, always try now to use dogs now with as few breeds in as i can and no whippet, and i make it four :)

what country was your saluki from as you know salukis from different countries run different as its not all dessert in their home lands.Got any pictures

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and yesterday I fed 12 people a very tasty roast dinner from something caught by my 14 month old 29" deerhound X bitch pup, the night that before she caught 18 rabbits before I got run off the ground I was lamping.


Here's the litter sister to NW's bitch. 28". Not too good at the old rabbiting game, but I'm sure she'll do okay in shows (if I can only get her outta this bloody habit of chasing things she shouldn't :whistle: :ph34r: )





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Guest Nightwalker

and yesterday I fed 12 people a very tasty roast dinner from something caught by my 14 month old 29" deerhound X bitch pup, the night that before she caught 18 rabbits before I got run off the ground I was lamping.


Here's the litter sister to NW's bitch. 28". Not too good at the old rabbiting game, but I'm sure she'll do okay in shows (if I can only get her outta this bloody habit of chasing things she shouldn't :whistle: :ph34r: )






Hi Misti.

Comparing you pics, with the pup asleep at my feet as I type this, mine is a bit taller I think mine is a bit leggier and has a bit less coat than yours, but its hard to tell from pictures. Mine is hugely fit now, weighs about 85lbs and stands about 29". Mine kills rabbits well particularly on the lamp (I dont ferret) and we have had quite a number of dreadful accidents in which completely against my wishes she has killed hares, foxes, roe, fallow and muntjac. I have just finished cutting up and freezing a fallow doe which was the victim of one of these incidents earlier this week, LOL! As I mentioned to you in my email the other week, I have tried talking to her about the hunting act but she just wont listen, she obviously also unfortunartely hasnt learned from Kane and Mush and other similar pundits (none of whom ever seem to have owned a deerhound/grey) that dogs like her cant kill small game. I'm sure she would give up if she knew this! She is doing very well on the lamp and seems remarkably injury resistant She is also a stunning looker, a terrific guard and very good with other dogs, so I'm very pleased at the moment.

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the best coursing dog ive seen was 5/8 saluki 2/8 saluki 1/8 deerhound [sniper forley cup winner]

deerhound faster than a saluki, one crazy world we live in :haha: .

im glad ive had a drink reading that :good:

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Hi Misti.

Comparing you pics, with the pup asleep at my feet as I type this, mine is a bit taller I think mine is a bit leggier and has a bit less coat than yours, but its hard to tell from pictures. Mine is hugely fit now, weighs about 85lbs and stands about 29".

The pics dont do her justice, she does look a bit leggier in the flesh but I used my camera phone to take the pics. She hasn't had the variety of accidents that bramble has (3 types of deer? damned unlucky :whistle: ;) ) , but I'm sure it'sonly a matter of time. Anytime you're up this way, let me know bro.

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Guest Nightwalker
Nightwalker ,Well i hope your deerhound x's is better at reading posts than you, so when will you be matching her ? wait for it :rolleyes:



I gave that up a longtime ago after being plagued by scumbags and dog thieves and had to move house to get away from them. All a dog has to do now is please me

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have seen some top class deerhounds crosses over the years.

retieve rabbit hare and fox.no deer where i hunt.

as lamp dogs they where as tight on the turns as any wippet.

one thing that can improve a line is a greyhound.

too much can also ruin a strain which i have seen my self.

as was said earlier that deerhounds need a longer time to mature.

but when they do. i found with the ones ive seen and had that they last

longer than most. and can still lamp well into their later years

when other crosses might be retired.

do not keep deerhound crosses any more.

but after seeing some of these old strain of tall dogs work.

maybe some day i maght try one again.

only for my mates two dogs getting killed on a road.

which was the end of the line more or less.

i would be using this strain now.

good hunting to which ever cross you hunt.


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Guest Nightwalker

Hi Misti.

I thought it was probably just the quality of the pictures, from the other pictures I have seen of yours, she looks the spit of mine. I guess I am lucky where I live, muntjac have been seen in the garden of my current house before it was securely fenced, as you know, I can find roe within about 500 yards of the house and a 30 minute walk will get you among the fallow. I have never really entered her to anything, we do a lot of miles mooching about and usually manage to kick something up, so she has been chasing pretty much since she first started coming out and about and has self-entered to all game, becoming more proficient with practice. I think that with a young dog its practice, practice, practice that makes a proficient worker. You should let me know if you are ever coming down to the South East and I can show you just how much game we have available - we could also probably get your bitch a run!



It's been a good week dog wise, even though the rabbits are getting a bit thin on the ground now. I woke up very early on Tuesday morning after my neighbours burglar alarm went off, I couldnt get back to sleep so I went out with the dogs and thought I would try and get a run at daybreak, I had one run on a 'big rabbit' and then coming round the corner of a wood on our way back we bumped into some fallow about 300 yards out, grazing their way back towards the wood, result, one yearling fallow doe, not the biggest doe ever at about 80lbs but tasty enough. On Thursday I was out lamping a few rabbits and spotted something moving away from a small wood up a steep bank through long grass making its way towards a big gorse patch, I kept the lamp on it from about 200 years away, wondering what it was and forgot about the dog running about until she tore into the beam and pulled it over about three quarters of the way up the bank - result a nice fat muntjac buck and a couple of grazes to the dog but no serious tusk damage, I was going to try for the hat-trick this week but the ground has been too hard to run since then. Have you done much lamping with yours, I always think that there's nothing like a bit of lamping to sharpen them up and teach them to strike well

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Guest Nightwalker
New it :rolleyes:



Did you mean 'Knew it' Mush?


I guess that your GCSE's must be coming up soon, perhaps you could get your mum to check the spelling of what you post on here, prior to you hitting the 'add reply' button. I suggest that you keep quiet, listen and learn for a few years then come back when you have a bit of experience with dogs under your belt and when, hopefully, you will have grown up enough to have an adult conversation, I wont be bothering with you again until then.

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