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Bushing terriers

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  On 30/04/2011 at 03:10, masta of game said:
  On 29/04/2011 at 19:00, Craigr2415 said:

Just starting to do my research as I'm thinking of gettin a bushing terrier .what you guys recomend? do u look for a different stamp of terrier to what you would if you intended todo earth work etc atb craig

you cant buy a pitbull and expect it not to fight.



No but surely not all working terriers won't to go to ground

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I wanted an above ground terrier so got a parson russell with an above ground dam from a farm that had been mated with a show dog. Thought that would mean it would be less likely to go to ground and also pretty (sorry, can't help it, I'm a girl). Anyway, she is pretty, she's small - a 13" 13lb bitch, and she goes to ground like a shot, works an earth from end to end and is a hard little dog. I already had a spade for ferreting and have got a bit more use out of it since I got her. Wouldn't change her for the world mind you, I love and admire her, but if you want a dog that def won't go to earth, my advice would be don't get a terrier!

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  On 04/05/2011 at 17:07, masta of game said:
  On 04/05/2011 at 17:05, judge2010 said:

same yourself the aggro get a springer.

not interested, i like digging to terriers. but yeah it can be a hassle sometimes

You could have fooled me by your posts, I thought you said your male has never been dug to and the 13 month old bitch was bred to him?? :whistling:

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