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help with old side by side

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hi guys just a quick query hopefully i have an old sxs shotgun spanish master when ever i try to put the foregrip on the shotgun it will not go on the barrels fit fine and are nice and tight but the foregrip catches on the little hook under neath that is the part that pushes the spent cartridges out cant work it out if anybody could help cheers.........

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hi guys just a quick query hopefully i have an old sxs shotgun spanish master when ever i try to put the foregrip on the shotgun it will not go on the barrels fit fine and are nice and tight but the foregrip catches on the little hook under neath that is the part that pushes the spent cartridges out cant work it out if anybody could help cheers.........

Only Questions?

Without having your gun to hand its hard to be able to figure it out?

1. Can you fit the forend to just the barrels when they are separated from the stock/action?

2. If your gun has ejectors, maybe the ejector springs/bar in the foreend are in the 'fired' postion, and therefore 'in the way' and need to be re-cocked?

3. Are you sure the forend you have is the actual original one? They all look the same but they will not 'transfer' to another gun even if it is the same make and model.

Try and test the above?


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hi mate thanks for the reply

1.i can fit the fore end to just the barrels

2.it is not an ejector but it does push the emptys out by about half an inch

3.yes the fore end is the right one


i have just been told by my mate who used it when he broke it down that he removed the fore end and barrels and fired off the action could this be the problem if it is how do i rectify this many thanks.

how do i re cock the fore end springs?

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