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A bit horny is she?

he will have all david attenbourgh taking up space on your planner hahahah

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  On 30/04/2011 at 12:38, baw said:

Did the mouse win lol. They can move when they want to eh, jeez.

baw a "course" can last a couple of minutes with the same result :whistling: ........though maybe different with a mouse from the fens!


:laugh: :laugh:

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I wouldn't bother with the lettuce mate (stay away from iceberg all together), very little nutrional value, this time of year get hold of some dandelion leaves and flowers from somewhere where no herbicides have been used. they love them!

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  On 30/04/2011 at 12:14, Ideation said:

Now we know EXACTLY what rocky will be doing on these long summer nights, MOUSE COURSING.

or yes get lads found have a few coldones and lets but some wagers on which dragon going catch it first :laugh:

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  On 30/04/2011 at 13:23, TIMMAY said:

I wouldn't bother with the lettuce mate (stay away from iceberg all together), very little nutrional value, this time of year get hold of some dandelion leaves and flowers from somewhere where no herbicides have been used. they love them!

johnnyboy told me about the dandelions ,but what you mean about herbicides ?

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  On 01/05/2011 at 08:49, rocky1 said:
  On 30/04/2011 at 13:23, TIMMAY said:

I wouldn't bother with the lettuce mate (stay away from iceberg all together), very little nutrional value, this time of year get hold of some dandelion leaves and flowers from somewhere where no herbicides have been used. they love them!

johnnyboy told me about the dandelions ,but what you mean about herbicides ?

Some councils spray them rock.........so try and go where the council won't spray i.e.woodland paths etc :thumbs:

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Nice! :good: My daughter wanted one with her Christmas money, but we've started her off with a hamster. If she can manage to look after that for it's lifetime, she can get one. :thumbs:

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  On 01/05/2011 at 08:51, johnny boy68 said:
  On 01/05/2011 at 08:49, rocky1 said:
  On 30/04/2011 at 13:23, TIMMAY said:

I wouldn't bother with the lettuce mate (stay away from iceberg all together), very little nutrional value, this time of year get hold of some dandelion leaves and flowers from somewhere where no herbicides have been used. they love them!

johnnyboy told me about the dandelions ,but what you mean about herbicides ?

Some councils spray them rock.........so try and go where the council won't spray i.e.woodland paths etc :thumbs:

thanks for that ,ourlass has been doing her research he has metionend crest greek seeds ?

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sorry, yeah by herbicides i mean't weedkiller. I used to use spring greens, rocket, dandelion and butternut squash as the bulk for the veg part of the diet. Used to get a load, stick it in the blender, and stick it in an cube trays and freeze. Then i could defrost what i wanted as i needed it in tidy little portions, and i wasn't wasting loads of fresh veg. Stayed away from the cabbage family as i think there was something to do with binding calcium or something.

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  On 29/04/2011 at 12:08, rocky1 said:

first of all i would like 2 say a big thank 2 jonnyboy68 and a few other good lads who help me with some knowlege of the beardied dragon ,my son is 10 on tuesday and for last few years he been asking for tranila or a beardied dragon,so after after abit research we descided 2 get dragon,just been 2 pick this setup and dragon which is 11 month ,it cost £150 but i think we,ve got a bargin,we look in the local petshops and they were £250 for a basic setup ,frankie is very well behaved and love been handled ,here a few pics













heres some of extras,a bag of desertsand,completefood for dragon for young agamas,spare 100 watt sun glo bulb,tub of arkvits dietry supplements ,tub of calci dust ,bug gel bug container,2 sivs spare fuses ,spare feeders



and thanks 2 the lads who help me with info ,my boy is over moon with his present :thumbs:


I've never liked pet reptiles myself. However he does look like a little cracker and healthy too!

Do you feed them on the live bugs you can get in a pet shop? Mind you there are bugs galore in the garden this time of year.


Going off on a bit of a tangent, when i was a kid I knew a lad who used to walk one on a lead! Ever seen that?

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