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what have I done

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As you may or may not have read I lost the connection to the internet about a month ago and had a digi camera full of photos saved since xmass of hunting shots,plus family photos etc.Well I'm blue in the face asking my son whos 16 years old to download the pics for me as I didnt really know how to.Yesterday I decided to attempt to download them myself and with 1 felled swoop I somehow wiped the camera clean and lost the feckin lot.I am absolutely sick in my stomach over it.I had at least a half dozen days hunting photos on it,plus my new lurcher pup I imported from Wales.I dont know how I did it but 66 photos down the kaboosh.You can imagine what it did for the peace and quiet of the house,all hell broke loose between me and the lad.I wont be doing it again and I'll have to read the bloody instructions book now.Depressed am I.

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OOps, you didnt want to do it like that :no: Really anoying. Another thing not to do with your digital camera is remove the data card when the camera is turned on! :no::no::no:


I was busy doing the know it all daughter, whilst trying to show my 69 year old mother the joys of technology and how easy the camera was, didnt realise though what happened when you removed card with camera on. Boy did i feel like a plonker! Lost quite a few pics, only consolation is that 6months down the line I cant remember for the life of me what they were! :laugh:

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Connect the camera to the PC again and check there isnt a new folder on the camera...My mrs did this-downloaded the pics thinking they were going to her pc...but they hadn't...they had in fact downloaded to a new folder created on the camera. The camera showed no pictures but when attached to the PC the folder could be seen...Worth a look.

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