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Private Gun/Gear Sales - !!POTENTIAL SCAM!!

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Hi - I am a mod on the Weihrauch Owners Club, and the Steyr Owners Club - and a long time lurker on here!


Would it be possible for a Mod on here to fire me over any details on these folks - usernames, mail ids, DOB, phone numbers, IP details etc - so I can go through our membership with a fine toothed comb.


You can join the WOC & SOC and you will find me on there with the same forum name JUD - as I wouldn't expect you to fire me something here as I could be anybody ;)





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You are failing to note that it was DavyT who validated H1989 publically when this first came up on here.   This is internet land, how do we know that DavyT wasn't involved, simple, we don't! If Dav

I think the gobshites who posted on here in defence of Hunter1989 should repay your money between them ................   Where are you now boys?   You stood up for H1989 when I was trying to exp

According to Royal Mail's tracking service David Graham received my letter yesterday at ~3pm. A copy of which is below.   5th May 2011   Mr David Graham,   On the 12th April 2011 you received Â

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They have started rubbish on another site that is trying hard to be a THL clone, could even have been set up by the Brothers Graham, or as I shall henceforth call them, the BeeGees....


same carp, different site.


You have to join this site to view it, so excuse me whilst a screen shot is obtained....




Oly, inform the police again!

Edited by secretagentmole
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I can't see the forum taking off, they are becoming ten a penny...particularly when people realise who/what is going on - I can't view the post as I haven't joined. I can't even find it via a google search.


Email from PC Stonier:


> I did try and contact you by phone in the day earlier last week but you

> must have been out. Thanks for the effort you have gone to in providing me

> with all the details. I have discussed this with my Sgt, and with regards

> to the other parties that have contacted me via you, they will each be

> contacted individually and advised to report each separate incident at

> their local Police station as unfortunately we don't have the time or

> resources to take on the entire investigation.


> PC 4287 Matt Stonier


If anyone else has dealings with these people - please also contact PC Stonier via email on matthew.stonier@cheshire.pnn.police.uk or phone 01244 612780...hopefully they will eventually decide to prosecute this pair...but after how many scams??? Alternatively, see if your local force has the resources to chase it with the evidence provided from the above and PC Stonier.

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At it again


Above is a link to the Hunting Masters website, guess what, the BeeGees from here have been trying it on there....


Here is a copy of what is on the page if you are not members...


would any one do me the honors

« Thread Started on Jul 20, 2011, 7:19pm »


Hi ive have had my paypal account hack no paypal wont let me get my money out,so would [NO TEXT TALK] let me send them my balance and then couod they put the money in my bank account when moneys cleared please thanks in advance



Read more: http://www.ferretingmaster.ERFujikolp;'/index.cgi?action=display&board=airgunnersspringprecharge&thread=2063&page=1#14441#ixzz1T9seG8KV


Anybody smell a large 4 legged rodent???

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I am NOT a hunter and i have not much intrest in hunting but please i need advise, this scum bag has stole money from me and after some reasearch (his mobile phone number) i came across this site and noticed you have had the same problem! please advise me on what to do! he stole £100 off me, here is a quick description:


I bought an iphone 4 from the trade it of D graham, (cheltenham gloucester bristol area) he said he was in aberdeenshire he said send me 100 now and 100 when you get it he said he posted but nothing after many texts he would say who is this and what are you on about i NEED to get justice on this, he filled me full of false hope and stole my hard earned money! a lesson learnt non the less i have his bank account details (if anyone wants them to track him pm me)


Please guys help me, what did the police say and if i cant get my money back how do i stop this thief doing this to more innocent people!


(again im sorry for joining the Hunting life when i dont hunt, please excuse me)





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hope this is sorted lads just a quick warning about paypal and any gun or weapons paid for with paypal "taken from the rapid forum stickys"



"If you pay for a gun or gun parts and they find out they lock your account and hold your money for 6 months .

If you pay the fees and its gun/weapon related deal they wont give you any money back if the sale goes tits up but they will happily steal all your remaining funds for 180 days .


Paypal gift gives you no rights to any refund but if you trust the seller it stops paypal earning off the transaction which I think is good . Its a good way to buy if you trust who your dealing with or for cheap items that the shame of robbing you isn`t worth the gain in money and being slagged on all the shooting forums .


Ultimatly if your deal isn`t face to face you could get conned no matter how you pay , bank transfer , paypal non gift , postal orders cash in an envelope ,swap etc etc . They all carry risks so if in doubt do a face to face and pay when the goods are in your hands" .



had this happen to me over a few airrifle parts now best reading the policys on paypal on there site concerning airrifles ect and deal face to face where posible or deal with lads u trust only through the post

Edited by dave goodall
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hi guys, i recieved a phone call today from his 'twin brother' he claims his brother is a thieving scumbag and he told me on the phone if he doesnt give my money back he will steal something from him and send it to me and i said all i want is my money back


Its dodgey because i found his address and sent him a text with his address saying i will come and pick my money up and he said 'if you come near me or my family i will kill you' will be good to see what his 'twin brother' has to say for himself in a few hours

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Right he has said he will kill you, time to report the theft and the threat to the police, this scumbag has to be arrested, he is ripping people off left right and centre, can people who have been defrauded by him phone their local police station and report it, report where he says he lives, perhaps the number of complaints will persuade them to do something!

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