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whats best dog ye seen perform.....

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i think a lot more lads out there could have better dogs than they have, i know i could, i have a decent'ish bitch that wants more, needs more, and is capable of doing more, she is switched on, intell

This is one of those topics were you everybody has a different opinion on what constitutes a good/great dog....Its all relative to the people you know and the circles you run in....I've seen and owned

The bitch has probably killed her share of roe but I believe 700 is an exageration to inflate MOO'S bigger than average ego, either that or he cannot count.

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the best dog ive seen and most people will agree is sat here right at the side of me

well thats alright then mate im in for another dog mine cocked lastnight mate was gutted he served me well till now but last twice out been getting white tail long legs mint but bottling nastys hes had 46 this season ne probs then just not do them thats ne good to me he got to go need a dog to replace him



your door is gonna go throo ffs, ye think no c**t can decipher yer code :blink:

it will when you highlight the fact he is obv upto no good..........



He's highlighting it fine himself.

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This is the best dog I have ever seen working.


3/4 sal 1/4 grey


Did everything, and did it all well.


Ferreting, lamping, daytime hare, every quarry bar 1, even this beast never took a d/t/r/s/s/h




Now long dead, hit a tree lamping a rabbit, just a random run, on the way home. Real shame.


Owned by the same bloke who also owned the second best dog (bitch) I have seen work, and the bitch that got me hooked :D




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hey dootty ive seen some good uns an legends in there but not the best :thumbs: but shes good

ive seen some good dogs in the 20 years of going out and the thing is every dogs a legend till the next dog comes a long then thats the best dog they seen in years a dog is omly as good as the last time out and what i say is that if the dogs what you like and does what you want then its a goodin a legend to me might be shite to you my best dog was a dog called fred now that was well spoke of in the local area where i lived at time everybody new me that is lurcher lads he was one mean hard fck he like nowt better than getting smashed on them nasty things never new what ihad till he diead nowt as come close in my eyes for fox deer and nastys when it was legal u know what i mean rip fred

heard good things about this dog ,are you clucky from durham ,

their alot of grumpy twats on here think me self that this site could be used by the antis as well lots of grassing cowards who say nowt to ya face sorry to the good hunting lads who just like the talk and have abit banter fck them who try to fck us and fck the ban



you are officially me new hero :icon_redface:


all hail the coney clucky :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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hey dootty ive seen some good uns an legends in there but not the best :thumbs: but shes good

ive seen some good dogs in the 20 years of going out and the thing is every dogs a legend till the next dog comes a long then thats the best dog they seen in years a dog is omly as good as the last time out and what i say is that if the dogs what you like and does what you want then its a goodin a legend to me might be shite to you my best dog was a dog called fred now that was well spoke of in the local area where i lived at time everybody new me that is lurcher lads he was one mean hard fck he like nowt better than getting smashed on them nasty things never new what ihad till he diead nowt as come close in my eyes for fox deer and nastys when it was legal u know what i mean rip fred

heard good things about this dog ,are you clucky from durham ,

their alot of grumpy twats on here think me self that this site could be used by the antis as well lots of grassing cowards who say nowt to ya face sorry to the good hunting lads who just like the talk and have abit banter fck them who try to fck us and fck the ban


should be a law against retards having internet access just keep digging that fecking hole you got your self in to pal :thumbs:

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