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whats best dog ye seen perform.....

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hard question to answer dotty i could say a few but im sure no fecker wouldve heard of them its not always the well known dogs that do well after all the net an books arent the be all an end all of the dog world :thumbs:

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i think a lot more lads out there could have better dogs than they have, i know i could, i have a decent'ish bitch that wants more, needs more, and is capable of doing more, she is switched on, intell

This is one of those topics were you everybody has a different opinion on what constitutes a good/great dog....Its all relative to the people you know and the circles you run in....I've seen and owned

The bitch has probably killed her share of roe but I believe 700 is an exageration to inflate MOO'S bigger than average ego, either that or he cannot count.

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I"ve seen plenty of dogs that were good at there owners chosen sport ie coursing or lamping etc but how many good allround dogs have you seen, dogs that you could take out for a run at long ears but would just as easily turn its hand to a bit of mooching/bushing or wander round a farm and hunt rats and then take a day out with the ferrets marking sets and picking up bolters that slipped or missed a net and even spend a night on the lamp and put bunnies in the bag.

A propper all round lurcher!!!

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  On 29/04/2011 at 07:27, MOO said:

These numbers can be achieved if you are keen have the right dog the right ground.this bitch had a few years well over the hundred mark and was still at it at 10


all these dogs in past sence what about now so people can be put to the test with there dogs????

No didnt think so all gone quiet now :laugh::laugh:

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  On 29/04/2011 at 08:07, toby1066 said:

yes but the original question was about other types of game pre ban :whistling:

it doesnt mention any game at all just for you


well im sure most of us have seen a dog or dogs that when ye see them graft ye know that they are summat special.......


what is the best ye have seen??? dont have to been yer own dog??

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Guest bezza

Best dog I saw was a 3/4 greyhound collie in the eighties. I saw her catch 4 fit hares in daylight and, that night hoover up everything put in front of her on the lamp. She would retrieve everything to hand. The only fault she had was that her prey drive was too high.She would try 100% for everything and knackered herself so that she had to be rested frequently during a night's lamping.

Edited by bezza
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a colliegreyx salukigrey snipe. this dog i have seen work alot of times, he is 10 years old now, but even at 9 years old could still catch 20 rabbits in the lamp, and pre ban not bad on deer+hares :thumbs: .Must have been great dog in his day,Bryn my 1x colliegrey is a very good rabbit dog day+night,i know there are better dogs than him. But where ever i have took him , and i put the miles in i(always) come back with good bags(20-30) of rabbits, so he might not be the best but he is worth a mention :thumbs:

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  On 28/04/2011 at 21:51, WILF said:

A dog called "Paddy", everything i like in a dog......gentle, quiet docile nature, 100% around kids, stock and other dogs.....cool as a cucumber.

But when the lamp went on and his quarry was in the beam he would become a raging beast trying to break through the windows of the vehicle.......I know his owner got more than a few hefty bangs round the head as "Paddy" made an unexpected exit from the window.

Made things look very, very easy on even the hardest of jobs......now retired and living out his dotage being fussed over.



and no offspring.


have seen atleast 2 better.


halfx wheaten grey.... took all deer species and anything else you put infront of her.... a real joy to have about and an easy pleasure to work. only had one litter and retired at just over 9.


i know one thing for all these dogs, they are made and not bought. it takes alot of time, dedication and careful handling to produce dogs that are considered very good. thankfully there are quite a few out there and people to put in the time and the work in their chosen fields.

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