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After photos of longnets for website

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Im looking for some photos of long nets and long nets in action (etc) to use a website im building. I do have a longnet but its so old and busted up I dont think its a great image to send out! The sites called www.how-to-hunt-rabbit.com in case you wana check it out first. But if you do post any pics please make sure they are your own and that you dont mind giving me full rights to use/edit the picture.


Many thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

it reads like its been written by somebody that doesnt realy have a clue about the rabbiting game. for example this is completely wrong '' The use of dogs is a touchy issue now. The law has clamped down on their use for hunting and this has even affected the hunting of rabbits.''


this doesnt describe coursing and a whippet certainly isnt the most popular dog used


'' Sight Hounds


Sight hounds are used, of course, for their sight but also their speed. They will spot, stalk, chase and kill their pray very quickly and efficiently. This is know as coursing. The main dog breed used for this is a whippet.''


also the picture of a spaniel is actually a pointer ......


this is just one section i have picked out .... there is missinformation on every section of your site ........

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personaly i dont think long netting is a dying art, but its on the up and becoming more popular after martin kings book and the easy use of the quickset. still its not a bad efort and better than i could manage.


good luck with it

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Gotta say that the site looks like its been made by someone with an interest in rabbiting but not a lot of experience or knowledge.

A lot of the content seems to have been plucked from various sources without any consideration for its relevence and with no real understanding by the collator .


The trouble with being a human sponge is that along with every scrap of decent information there is bound to be some duff or inapropriate material.


Names such as the 'Stephens Hound','Swift Windhound'(never feed em beans ) probably mean something to someone somewhere .Check-out the list of spaniel breeds and see if you can spot the obvious absentee! .


Hares ?.Introduced by the Romans ?.Not that old chestnut ! Mate, Caesar himself visited this country for a couple of short military campaigns nearly a hundred years before the real Roman invasion yet he noted that the British Celts <already> revered and would not eat hares though they sometimes kept them as pets.



Me thinks someone is enjoying building web-site .School project maybe ?. Good luck to them but that's about it .

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I wrote the above post late at night after a long day at work so I thought it only fair that I re-read it and check out the website again after a night's sleep .

Ok . I should have said 'Stephens Cur' (very popular with the Stephens family of somewhere in the Appalachians ..possibly) and 'Silky Windhound ' but sadly nothing I've seen in the cold light of day indicates the need to make any real changes to the original post .

School project ?. Vanity website?. Who knows . Its a shame because the computer skills and knowledge seem to be there but the content is dodgy.

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Thanks for the reply Socks, it was more helpful then I was expecting. Firstly I would like to say that the site isn’t written for people like yourself. It is written for people who don’t really know and I cant use terms that might be unfamiliar and it has to be a certain tone not to lead them away.


The new animal hunting laws do affect hunting rabbit, as you are now need permission from the landowner. Yet again, keep in mind that line was written for people who don’t know.


I disagree that my article does not describe coursing, here is a Wikipedia page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coursing . But i would like to thank you for correcting me about Whippets, I meant grey hounds and I’ll change this in a few moments.


The picture you’re talking about is a Brittany spaniel and it is used as a retriever, if you believe it’s another breed please let me know. And I really do appreciate your post.


Comache I would have found your post a much more helpful read if it wasn’t packed with such a belittling tone. I would like to thank you for pointing out that Romans didn’t introduce hares, but by introduced I did in fact mean the farming of hares. I just didn’t want to get into the detail of how hares were held in religious beliefs by the colts. I will fix this mistake in just a couple of moments so it is less ambiguous (or just plain misleading).


Here is a link to information about the silken windhound en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silken_Windhound, its an America racing dog.


Here is a link to the Stephens cur

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephens_Cur, its also an America dog, used for small game


I would like to say that I am trying to build the best website possible, if anyone spots anything they feel is wrong please let me know. Im not trying to trick or anger anyone.

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