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During the early part of 2010, the previous Labour Government issued a public consultation paper relating to possible replacement legislation for the existing Dangerous Dogs Act. Their stated reasons being concerns over the increased ownership of so called status dogs and the increase in dog related injuries. One of the main solutions being put forward was that legislation should be introduced which would require all dogs to be microchipped and to also carry third party liability insurance.


The National Working Terrier Federation (NWTF) responded to this paper in May 2010 expressing their concerns at these proposals, along with numerous other organisations. Some of which shared the same views and others which did not. To see the full extent of the consultation, the various proposals and the NWTF's response click here.

The Government has yet to formally publish its proposals, but it was widely reported over the Bank Holiday weekend in the press and on television that there are plans afoot to introduce legislation requiring the compulsory microchipping of all dogs. So far there has not been any mention of compulsory insurance, but thats not to say it will not apply also, otherwise whats the purpose of identifying each dog?


Vets charge anything from £35 to £65 per dog for this service and would add anything from £175 - £325 to the cost of an average litter. It would be an unnecessary burden on responsible dog owners at a time of national austerity and be completely ignored by the very group the legislation was intended to target.


Once the Government do publish their proposals it is important that those who share these concerns make them fully known and where it will have most effect. The forum owners are just as concerned as I and others are about these proposals and have willingly agreed to my posting on each of the relevant forums details of any updates and actions which may be taken.


Y.I.S. - Barrie

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Guest busterdog

A chip is simply that, a small micro chip in the back of the neck, meaning any dog can be traced to any body (the registered owner) , in affect just another big brother pain in the arse and a yet another tax on joe soap.

My misses took a course so she could chip our dogs but it turns out that you can't chip pups, only a vet at the time of docking can chip pups :hmm:, when exactly a pup stops being a pup who knows ......we certainly couldn't get a straight answer. You could do a chip for a tenner and still make money so in my eyes it's not about getting responsible owners to chip there dogs it's just another gimmick and money making scam for the government and vets.

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Why would anyone feel it is a good idea to microchip dogs?.......What is the end goal?...How can it be that enough people would support this mad adventure?....Of course the cost would be borne by dog owners and another layer of government is born....Sad!

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Lets hope this meets with mass non conformity, peaceful civil disobedience is the only way to stand up to this house of traitors . . er, i mean house of commons.


I share your concerns Foxfan and feel just as strongly about it as you obviously do (possibly even more so as this kind of silliness takes up lots of my time that I'd rather spend doing something else).... however it is something we're capable influencing before it gets that far.


If every dog owner in the country who is eligible to vote wrote a letter, or sent an email to the right 3 or 4 people in Government expressing their concerns and the impracticalities of what is being proposed then IT IS possible to influence the eventual outcome.


If anyone has any doubts about the accuracy of that statement you only have to look back at the recent tail docking legislation. The Government's original proposal (their "White Paper") was that whilst certain breeds of gundogs would be exempted from the ban, working terriers would not. Yet with the right kind of lobbying and informed arguments that decision was very quickly changed. It's not rocket science, or any different to what our opponents do all of the time, the big difference is that they only have to win once, whereas we need to win eveytime.


Clearly not every dog owner would write, neither would everyone oppose such a move, but if everyoe who uses this forum and the others on this site did, it could just make a difference. The right time to write is when the Government announce their proposals, otherwise you'll only get back a standard "still under consideration" reply.


As my old man always said.... "The only things in this world that you can expect or deserve, are those that you're prepared to work or to fight for".


J.M.H.O. - Barrie

Edited by Barrie
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Lets hope this meets with mass non conformity, peaceful civil disobedience is the only way to stand up to this house of traitors . . er, i mean house of commons.


I share your concerns Foxfan and feel just as strongly about it as you obviously do (possibly even more so as this kind of silliness takes up lots of my time that I'd rather spend doing something else).... however it is something we're capable influencing before it gets that far.


If every dog owner in the country who is eligible to vote wrote a letter, or sent an email to the right 3 or 4 people in Government expressing their concerns and the impracticalities of what is being proposed then IT IS possible to influence the eventual outcome.


If anyone has any doubts about the accuracy of that statement you only have to look back at the recent tail docking legislation. The Government's original proposal (their "White Paper") was that whilst certain breeds of gundogs would be exempted from the ban, working terriers would not. Yet with the right kind of lobbying and informed arguments that decision was very quickly changed. It's not rocket science, or any different to what our opponents do all of the time, the big difference is that they only have to win once, whereas we need to win eveytime.


Clearly not every dog owner would write, neither would everyone oppose such a move, but if everyoe who uses this forum and the others on this site did, it could just make a difference. The right time to write is when the Government announce their proposals, otherwise you'll only get back a standard "still under consideration" reply.


As my old man always said.... "The only things in this world that you can expect or deserve, are those that you're prepared to work or to fight for".


J.M.H.O. - Barrie


Good luck to you Barrie, unfortunately i have completely lost faith in due process.

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If you want people to write in it helps to provide a template letter that people can copy and paste either into a letter or email. Most people cant spare the time to sit and write, lots have lost the will to be bothered but a click and sign might persuade a few to take the trouble. Just a thought.

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If you want people to write in it helps to provide a template letter that people can copy and paste either into a letter or email. Most people cant spare the time to sit and write, lots have lost the will to be bothered but a click and sign might persuade a few to take the trouble. Just a thought.


Sallie, so true and so sad.

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A chip is simply that, a small micro chip in the back of the neck, meaning any dog can be traced to any body (the registered owner) , in affect just another big brother pain in the arse and a yet another tax on joe soap.

My misses took a course so she could chip our dogs but it turns out that you can't chip pups, only a vet at the time of docking can chip pups :hmm:, when exactly a pup stops being a pup who knows ......we certainly couldn't get a straight answer. You could do a chip for a tenner and still make money so in my eyes it's not about getting responsible owners to chip there dogs it's just another gimmick and money making scam for the government and vets.

i@v done the course as well few years ago now and not had any problem doing litters vets have then gone on and docked them as long as you put your registration number down. agreed though just another money making gimmick, expect the vets had a good say in it.
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