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how many dogs do you keep??

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my mate has a council house and his tenancey states he is allowed to keep two cats or dogs, but you may be permitted to keep more if you get the written permission from the council,

he had 4 dogs 2 older dogs out 2 pups in, he recieved a letter from the council saying he has to take down his kennel and re home 2 of his dogs as he did nt get written permission for the kennel or the extra 2 dogs, is there a way round this or is he stumped

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Guest joball

I recently had 5 but rehomed one. I knocked my old runs down which where made of block and replaced them with a wooden shed like type runs, carnt see myself needing permission for them. What are your mates made of?

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there getting a bit tight now these housing associations.

when i lived with me wife we had 5 dogs a triple kennel block in back garden and about 50 odd reptiles parrots and about 4 chickens and they never once said anything mind you i dont think a housing officer visited for 3 years.

we split and shes moved to wales and they have a 2 dog or 2 cat or one of each policy.and everythings got to be written permission

so i think he may have to give in if he exceeded.

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Guest joball

Sure you dont need permission for wooden structures within reason, its just like having a shed. If it was me i'd just ignore it personaly, but thats me. Best of luck to your mate hope he gets it sorted :thumbs:

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i have two dogs, i started to build kennels. had a bit of a fall out with a neighbor about a week later i had the council at the door saying that i could not have the dogs out side in kennels, there was somethig on the housing agreement. It also says im only allowed two cats or dogs.

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Hes buggered with the Kennels mate you need permission for anything like that in a council house.He could get away with the dogs saying he got written permission but cant find the letter and he will need to be brazen as hell about it.Also tell them hes willing to sort anything to keep them Happy and get letters from neighbours saying dogs arent noisy and they have no problems with it

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I've got 2 lurchers n a rotti n council never say anything lyk but it is wise to keep ya neighbours sweet or trouble could happen but I have a 8x8 shed I've made with indoor kennels in and 9x8 shed aswell the only complaines we get is when I'm shoutin at the pup for houling on lol

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yea they will only get of thier arse n the council if someone reports it.you have obviously upset someone.its in the council missives you sign what livestock you can keep.some are diffrent from others like you cant keep poultery or pigeons.technically (dont know if its the same in england)but you aint supposed to keep a dog in a flat,but as long as there no major hassle they wont bother you.

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Guest joball

i wouldnt be happy if i was renting out my house and the tennants decided to put up brick built kennels either.



Who said brick? Suggest you read it properly.

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witinessed this first hand last year ,made me get rid of my pigeons and rehome 1 of my dogs,i had 4 ,anyway the council reported me 2 the rspca ,they came out and said the rest of the dogs car,nt be split up as it was mother and 2 sons and they,ve lived as a pack for years and by spliting them up and rehoming would not be a option as she seen first hand of the dogs temperment change ,so she wrote 2 the council and never heard nothing again ,so yes its only 2 dogs or cats ,but you can get permision for a extra dog

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