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foam, flappers/bouncers/bobbers or whatever you will call them!

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i went and brought one of those foam pigeons with their wings spread as i came across some money and only had variouse shells, what do you guys use to hold them up while still letting it move, would thick wire work?

what do you all use? any suggestions wanted

cheers rob

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If it has a small turnscrew on a short tube on the underside they are designed to mount on a bouncer rod or rotary arm.

Useing on a bouncer mount the decoy on the bouncer pushed into the ground at an angle to mimic a bird flying into or near your pattern , bird mounted into the wind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it dosen't have a turnscrew in it, im sure il come up with something! cheers for that


When you have it sorted mate so your pigeon fits on a bouncer rod you want peace of tube about a foot long by 1 inch push it in the ground first then bend one end of the bouncer rod at about 6 inch from the end drop it in the tube and bend the other end where the bird fits just the last 2 inch at a angel so the bird looks right you will get a lot more movement than just sticking it in the ground

Edited by marty 9998
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you'll get mixed responses on these decoy's, bit like marmite, either loved or hated, but your've got it now, so you might as well try using it, get a bit of 15mm copper tube around 2ft long, hammer one end flat and cut a point to it (stick in ground) then find either a piece of high tensile steel rod, or fibre glass rod around 6ft long, a bit like those wippy lorry ariels :whistling: place one end in tube loose and fit the top end to the decoy, you want it so the weight of the decoy bends the rod over, as the wind blows, the decoy will bounce, making real pigeons think its a pigeon coming in to land around your other decoys, give it a try, Ive used all sorts of stuff to bring pigeons down and within range :thumbs:

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