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Guest Frank

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We explored a new area to start the day, but the bunnys were far and few, so we decided to head back to where we had done some weeks ago.


Great start, neted up around a tree :icon_eek: , dont like these ones, as if a lie up accures, you need some extra tools to get the ferts out. :laugh:


As luck would have it, we got 3 out, without no probs. :clapper:



Moved on and the bolts were good, no digging and we ended up with 8 plump bunnys, then, to cap the day off, i spoted a fox about 300 yds away, feeding on some old bones. :blink: I had no rifle :o:icon_redface: , so got the camera ready and started to call, in came Mr Fox, like a train and i manage to get a reasonable pic, before it seen us and buggerd off. :laugh:


Frank. :drink:



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Frank nice to see that stupid oul shovel doing the biz.I've packed it in for this season,young uns all over.The wife fell down the stairs over a month ago and badly bruised her hip and shoulder,but worse still she tore the phone socket off of the wall trying to [bANNED TEXT] herself in the process.I was waiting 3 weeks for the phone technichans to come and fix it,but now I'm BACK

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Thanks lads. :)


Jigsaw, sorry to hear about you wife :cry: , hope she makes a full recovery. :yes:

All the does i got today, were pregnant and for the first time this year, a young rabbit kitten bolted and went back down the hole :blink: , so wont be long now till i stop ither. ;)


As for that spade jigsaw, it does the biz. :yes::D:drink:


Wood Chip, shoot away, just not on my ferreting ground. :laugh::laugh:



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