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arnt you the fella who stole a dog a while back but made it all ok by handing it in after your mates mugged you off? im surprised you didnt have this dog away aswell lol


proper little crusader arnt yer lol



dog thief :censored:

so youve never made a mistake then? :wankerzo4:

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Do you bollocks .........I have never in my life seen a dog walker loaded down like they are yomping to Port Stanley :laugh: What a f*****g dreamer ......

Here's Cold Ethyl away for a quick walk round the local park........

Aye i can come and get a job for you.   Is there any work more soul destroying than game farming? Seriously.   - You get your eggs - You put them in their incubator - you turn them - you turn

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arnt you the fella who stole a dog a while back but made it all ok by handing it in after your mates mugged you off? im surprised you didnt have this dog away aswell lol


proper little crusader arnt yer lol



dog thief :censored:

so youve never made a mistake then? :wankerzo4:


ive never made the mistake of stealing someones dog no. no excuses bud your a dog thief :censored::thumbdown:


and you have the nerve to give me the wanker sign lol

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Mine get out but i take a bowl and a huge 3 litre botlle of water in a rucksack with some ice in for them.I also carry a bottle of dioralyte with me to be safe


Do you bollocks :laugh: .........I have never in my life seen a dog walker loaded down like they are yomping to Port Stanley :laugh: :laugh:

What a f*****g dreamer :laugh:......


I do and me and my friend take a load of toys for them to carry on with we have been known to take a disposable bbg maybe you dont care enough to do the same for your dogs but i do.I take it and carry a load of stuff with me to ensure my dogs can have a good walk without getting dehydrated and sun stroke.So if your so much of a f*****g know it all come on up and i will prove it to you

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Jesus, it gets f*****g better.....BBQ and a travelling toy shop as well as the rucksack loaded down with water and ice.

I will have to remember that for next season, middle of a field, midnight and pissing down with rain......."Hang on boys, I will just fire up the barby...MOO, you having a rib or a wing?" :laugh: :laugh:

I dont want to come up and see for myself thanks, just take us a picture! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Dross man, utter f*****g dross! lol

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That would be women and i dont do it at midnight dont be f*****g thick.We tend to do it when kids are off and take them out with the hounds.Might not be believeable to you but it happens.Whats wrong your head so far up your own arse that you think no one else cares or looks after their animals?Not much of a man if you cant carry a rucksack with water and a few tennis balls or whatever in it are you

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That would be women and i dont do it at midnight dont be f*****g thick.We tend to do it when kids are off and take them out with the hounds.Might not be believeable to you but it happens.Whats wrong your head so far up your own arse that you think no one else cares or looks after their animals?Not much of a man if you cant carry a rucksack with water and a few tennis balls or whatever in it are you



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What a load of bollox :laugh: just take them out first thing in a morning for 20 minutes or so to empty themselves and stretch of then take them out later in the evening when its cool,all ye have to do is make sure they have shade where there kenneled and plenty fresh water,why carry great rucksacks of water and toys about in the hottest part of the day anyway :laugh: if ye knew ye dogs and how fit they are and how they take heat ye can judge anyway how far ye take them and when to turn back never heard so much shite :thumbs:

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Here's Cold Ethyl away for a quick walk round the local park........ :laugh:



Does that make you that little black midget then Lab? :laugh:

No not a midget am just further away than you think........ :laugh:

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Here's Cold Ethyl away for a quick walk round the local park........ :laugh:



Does that make you that little black midget then Lab? :laugh:

No not a midget am just further away than you think........ :laugh:


Oh yeah, you do look kind of tiny from here come to think of it.. :blink::laugh:

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