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The Kennel Club


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Anyone on here who knows me knws I have a soft spot for the Bedlington terrier - not the white fluffy show type pretender, but the stronger and more usefull old non registered fashioned working type.

I have had so called pure Bedlingtons and it's no secret I have no problem OWNING AND WORKING Bedlington types with a bit of Lakie in their breeding.

Now I am for my sins a founder member of the Working Bedlington site, and there are undoubtedly some sound lads on there with very similar ideals to myself when it comes to type, quarry etc etc.

There is also a faction who want to maintain KC registration, and breed so called "pure" Bedlingtons (there is now no such thing, but thats another story).

At our anual show and get together, we have got a KC Bedlington judge to judge (John Holden) who has to be fair supported the working Bedlington to a fashion.

But I say he is a representative and executive member of an orginisation who has all but destroyed almost any working breed it takes under it's wing, and for me it's a bridge too far, so I have reluctantly decided to give the show a miss.


I just wondered what the consesnsus of opinion on this would be from the wider working terrier fraternity. Do you guys think the KC has anything to offer the working terrier?

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Is there such a thing as a working terrier show anymore,apart from the westmeath hound lurcher..terrier show last year the rest were crap.Dogs been walked around a ring that i would bet have never done a days graft in there lives.I remember the first show in ballinlough maybe 18 to 20 year ago,when NUTTAL JUDGED i was asked to put a terrier back in the trailer because he had signs of work on him,and that was by a well known terrier man fron the north,so just goes to show how long the working terrier world is f****d up by the show ponies with there kc shite.

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