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Lure Coursing Event

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i dont understand why a dog with greyhound blood would be much better as long as there are set weight classes

whats the point in finding the best ped those stupid KC standards are just a load of crap anyway! it should be the top dog for its weiht class shurly!? the only reason i think you are doing this is because you are quite sure you can win. but why not make it a bit more interesting and say any dog can enter?

you have just answered your own question blando..spot on and then when they do win it proberly by cheating ..they will try to sell pups to everone saying theres is the fastest whippet in the country ...its a fecking farse ...
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I take it you know little about KC/non peds?


weight for weight a non ped should win a race/lure course.


as for me expecting to win? grow up the replys on here explain why the organisers have no intentions of opening it up for lurchers/non peds.


it's a shame so many posters choose to judge everyone by their own standards?


anyone with a KC registered whippet that would be interested in running PM me

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so why are there not more compitions for lurchers/nonpeds wouldent it make more sence to race faster dogs, not only that but they are less overerpriced but yet faster! it does not make sence?

please explain peds to me then, how i see it is a bunch of wankers trying to bring back and keep the old breeds based on no evidence and making up there own standards.

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please explain peds to me then, how i see it is a bunch of wankers trying to bring back and keep the old breeds based on no evidence and making up there own standards.

I only educate those that can learn.


clearly you have nothing to say now! wippets started from the miners racing them, and this still goes on! but your silly pedagre bunch are from the same lines, with all the good bits bred out of them!

so at the end of the day all your dogs are just like driving a brand new range rover around "look every body look how much money i have got"!!!!! but they are slower stupider and now where near as hard wearing , so whats the point in having them. please educate me otherwise

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so why are there not more compitions for lurchers/nonpeds wouldent it make more sence to race faster dogs, not only that but they are less overerpriced but yet faster! it does not make sence?

please explain peds to me then, how i see it is a bunch of wankers trying to bring back and keep the old breeds based on no evidence and making up there own standards.


Blando,.... :D

The 'Hard Blood',.non-pedigree racers are not permitted to run against the KC Racers,..End of story.

The reason is,..the KC registered whippeteers made it a ruling several years ago that they would not get involved with the non-peds,.because,..the jukes,..like your own red runner,...have a fair proportion of greyhound blood in their background. They are invariably longer in the back and often more heavily muscled and some even exhibit the traits of the staffy ancestory..I used to see a few with bushy tails and a broken coat!! Nowadays the non-ped is a refined type of specialist racer,.on average,..it is vastly superior to its KC counterpart in sheer speed and power .

So,..any race at yds per pound or even off levels agaist one another would NOT be fair :whistle:

The KC guys are keen to retain the traditional whippet shape and overal look,..they also want to keep the size down. Some non-pedigree whippet types will sometimes look like small greyhounds, indeed it is frequently difficult to work out if the subject is a small greyhound or a big old whippet :icon_eek:

Lurcher racing is a fun thing,..and very few serious racers would risk their speedsters at a country show,.. ;)

Each to his own... ;)








sorry to change the story mate but at what show did you see me because you seme to know mu dogs very well

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Ok Lads you have all had your digs & took the piss


Fact 1 There would never have beenthe oppertunity for working lads who worked their KC reg whippets to course under rules as it was a closed shop for the select few.


Fact 2 myself & Parkstone whippets had a long conversation with one of our governing bodies & offered to run these events & eliminators on behalf of the whippet coursing club under their rules to give the working man the chance to compete & truly find the top lure coursing whippet in the country.


Fact 3 The people who would benefit from such events are the lads who use sites like these.Parkstone Whippets kindly offered the use of his clubs equipment lure rollers slip leads & time for free NO financial gain would be possible as the entry fee for 16 dogs would only cover transport,land rental & trophies for winner & runner up.


Fact 4 No wonder hunting is loosing its battle when we can't stick together & back a genuine offer of a genuine competition.


Fact 5 Could you run a lurcher or longdog at Altcar or Clonmell no because it a greyhound competition no snobery just rules.


Fact 6 Parkstone Whippets has previously offered on all Hunting sites to run the same sort of events for lurchers & longdogs & NOBODY contacted him to take him up on his offer.


Hope this explains it clearly so could any site members wishing to take part in this event pm Parkstone Whippets I can confirm 2 people off this site have already sent pms.

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clearly you have nothing to say now! wippets started from the miners racing them, and this still goes on! but your silly pedagre bunch are from the same lines, with all the good bits bred out of them!

so at the end of the day all your dogs are just like driving a brand new range rover around "look every body look how much money i have got"!!!!! but they are slower stupider and now where near as hard wearing , so whats the point in having them. please educate me otherwise

I think i'd have more success asking Stevie Wonder to read me the newspaper.



Hi Samba,


yep I cut my teath on lurchers & terriers from the age of about 12, from the age of 13 I vertualy lived on an allotment for 2 years ferreting everyday & lamping most nights (the truancy officer was never away from my house) at 16 I moved into greyhound racing (but still worked dogs) I spent 16 years greyhound racing then moved into whippets.

I did look into the non ped side of racing and even bought well bred non ped pup but unfortunatly the day after buying it she had to be PTS due to not having any stomach so couldnt handle solid food.


I then bought my wife a KC reg pup anyone who owns a whippet will tell you they have a way of getting under your skin and very soon we left greyhound racing and moved full time into racing/working whippets.


We were lucky enough to get into 2 Whippet Hare Coursing Clubs so we got to course our dogs under NWCC rules as well.


in the past i've tried to include lurcher owners in the lure coursing by putting stakes on for them but it was the same old story, you'd get 16 entered but only 1 or 2 would turn up?.

like I said earlyer if you look back I advertised lurcher lure coursing & racing on here got loads of PM's ect yet 2 weeks running only 1 or 2 bothered to turn up, maybe I should of printed the names of those who entered then backed out?.


So it's not that i'm turning my back on my past as I had some great days/nights out with lurchers ect over many years but you only try and arrange so many events for people before you call it a day.

for the record in the past weve had lure course with us, ~ Whippets KC/non KC, Lurchers, Greyhounds, Saliukis, Afghans, Jack Russells, italian greyhounds, & a fat old lab.


So in no way are we being snobby ect but this event is for KC whippets, if any of the lads on here want to organise an event i've got the equipment all you need is a venue/runners/ and people to actualy run it? i've been there and tried it but got let down so would be reluctant to go to the trouble again.

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please explain peds to me then, how i see it is a bunch of wankers trying to bring back and keep the old breeds based on no evidence and making up there own standards.

I only educate those that can learn.


clearly you have nothing to say now! wippets started from the miners racing them, and this still goes on! but your silly pedagre bunch are from the same lines, with all the good bits bred out of them!

so at the end of the day all your dogs are just like driving a brand new range rover around "look every body look how much money i have got"!!!!! but they are slower stupider and now where near as hard wearing , so whats the point in having them. please educate me otherwise




The only education here is choice, everybody has the right to choose what sort of dog they want without them being slated by idiots :victory:


Do you realise you give non ped owners a really bad press by coming the 'pedigree dogs are shite nonsense' all the ped owners I know have nothing bad to say about non peds lurchers ect even though they own Ped whippets, but you obviously have some sort of big chip on your shoulder about it, it's not ped owners who come accross as snobs it's you, you're the one who is saying your dogs are more superior not ped owners :whistle:


If you want to see more non ped/lurcher events then put yourself out like Mark does and organise some,I have been there when he has gone to the trouble of organising lure coursing events for all types of running dogs with good responce and and with a couple of exeptions the only ones that could be arsed to turn up were the whippet owners :hmm:



(Owner of 4 hardwearing, fast, non stupid whippets :D )

Edited by Lesley
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Guest markbrick1

yes your right theres a few clubs that wont allow whippets to run as there lurcher clubs, but by advertising whippet only racing on a lurcher forum is only fuelling the situation, dont worry i wont ask can i put my 19 inch whippet x in

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yes your right theres a few clubs that wont allow whippets to run as there lurcher clubs, but by advertising whippet only racing on a lurcher forum is only fuelling the situation, dont worry i wont ask can i put my 19 inch whippet x in


Point taken Markbrick but as its an offer to KC reg whippet owners to compete in an event they would have never known about the Running Dogs & Hounds section will be the best place for most of these lads to see the event offered

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