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Of course i have a 19 yr old student working with and she asked what music i was into which led me rapidly down memory lane here is my Madness vinyl collection  bottom pic is of a comic

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when I was first chancing my arm at getting into clubs ,at  about 14 / 15  before the millennium, there was a little scruffy under basement type place that on a Thursday night would play cheesy clubland type hits from the nineties , I loved getting in and knocking about like a div at all the chicks there  clad all in knee boots , Tartan minis and kangol caps . Proper 90s crack 

anyway me and the wife both used to go in there in and today as we were cutting around in town we passed that little bar.  Later on on radio 2 , Paul gammbacini played both theses tunes on his pop list . 

funny how you can recall a time , a moment , an instance in your life , just from some sounds pieced together ain’t it ???

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