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couple of pigeons and a rabbit

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not our best hunt by far however was still and amazing day, and turns out the accidental tan was pretty good too! :tongue2:


we set off for our pigeon permission at about 1 pm, getting there for half past.


after yesterdays 15 kills there wasnt much activity althoug i dropped 2 pigeons in the fist 20 min.

after about an hour of unsucessful hunting we decided to head for our rabbit permission via maccies!. on arrival we saw a rabbit and scott jumped out and shot it! perfect shot!


once again there was a lot of activity on the farm and the rabbits were far and few between. we had a few encounters however a shot wasnt possible.

after 3 hours we decided to call it a day and head back to our pigeon permission as dusk was falling.


we took 3 more pigeons down. wasnt the most sucessful follow up from yesterdays 15 pigeon kills however, 6 in the bag over the day did us fine. :)


it was a pretty good day... other than the bi**h woman (seperate post for the story).


atb, alex :thumbs:

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