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how dare she!

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Just think, what would happen if you did not control those pigeons, just remind her and her ignorant friends that if you do not do something about it then sdhe had better watch out for Histoplasmosis

Hi Alex. What a charming lady! There is a public nature trail next to part of my permission, with just a small fence between and I've had a few run-ins with women like this myself in recent years. I

Unfortunately their are some unbalanced people in our Modern Society , My Generation were brought up to Respect our elders, HM Forces even the Plod!!!!! Unfortunately all this left wing and Human rig

I echo every body else pal, you handled the situation well, and I am sure I speak for everyone on here when I say that we appreciate what you guys are doing for us in afgan even if that silly cow doesn't.



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sorry to hear about that mate, she was bang out of order there. fair play to you for keeping above it all and remaining calm. what goes around comes around, so hopefully she'll get her bad karma back at some point.


cheers, wurz

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When I first read this post I can't believe anyone could so crass, Our service personel are willing to sacrifice their lives, defending our liberty and that of other nations, and all you get as thanks is a typical bl***y townie trying to live out their idea of a country life, insulting them.. How you were so controlled, I don't know..


Please don't think all us civvies are so unappreciative of the sacrifices that your friends have made. She is the disgusting one, I would like to take this woman to the home of one of our dead soldiers, let her talk to the fatherless children, the grieving wife and mother who has lost her only son, that may alter her opinion..


I for one am very proud of our armed services.. Head up high!!

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I'm ex forces as I'm sure are a fair few of us on here are and I appreciate everything they do and have done. I've never been subject to what you were but it's a sad fact that the Armed Forces aren't held in as high regard as they were as most people who have left recently and have tried to find a new job will agree but thats no excuse for what she said.


Keep your chin up, maintain your standards and carry on with your shooting. Don't let em get you down. You are all heroes in my eyes mate.

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i am not an military man and couldnt think of any thing worse! an would rather our forces were not in afgahnistan at all( my own personal reasons). but to have some repulsive individual come out with that kind of venomous disresectful drivel is with out a doubt disgusting. if you have a voice recording or video facility on your phone record it next time an put her on you tube. and fair play to you for not rising to the spitefull cow well done mate. P.S no offence to the multitude of service people on here its just not my cuppa tea.

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That's what you get for speaking to strange women :diablo::diablo:


We are proud of all our services land, sea and air who put there lives on the line to protect us :notworthy:


Well done for maintaining your cool mate :good:


best of luck with your shooting both here and abroad


and don't talk to strange women just fecking ignore them and there stupid comments :feck:



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You share a close bond with many Alex.


You do a job that you dont always agree with but you do it anyway to the highest standards.


Be proud in what you do and remember that you have the support of the majority pal.


There will always be the repulsive vocal know it all but really knows nothing. i see it alot.


I witnessed it myself yesterday while visiting farms for new permissions. It wasnt a attack on me for being forces but i was told by a elderly farmer that i was not shooting on any of his land as air rifles are no way near powerful enough to kill rabbits and i was cruel for wounding them on purpose. I tried to explain about my rifle and how i use it but he told me i was talking rubbish and said he didnt have time to waist on people like me so i just stayed polite and said thankyou and departed. As i got into my car he shouted across his fence that someoe should shoot me to see if i liked it.


You keep your chin up and your head down, be proud in what you do pal, your doing a fantastic job out there.


The soldiers of today are every bit as curagious as they ever were and for someone like myself who as been there and witnesed it myself see it all the time where a 21 year old soldier that if you saw him in a bar you would think hes too young to be out that late never mind be drinking beer is actually brilliant in a fighting situation.


Intelligent, brave, loyal to his pals with selfless comittment to getting the job done and coming home in one piece.


Well done alex pal.



Edited by zini
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Wow, double barreled attack from that woman, not only is she against people killing pigeons, but also against the armed forces. Ive had a few people have a go about me killing "helpless innocent cute little bunnies" in the past, but its always been non country people who see them as little pets. In fact my missus doesnt like me shooting pigeons, so i have to do it on the quiet!


Think is not to let it get to you and let it go straight over your head. Your doing nothing wrong and yout in the right.

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cant belive what i have just read.,


i would not have been able to keep my cool in that situation,,,,and i like you take a lot of winding up...


next time you see her tell her to come to the pub where i work with her views, i can bet my last quid thats she leaves quicker than she walked in....


narrow minded ill informed moron,,,,


all the very best to you and our lads in the forces.. with out you this country would not be what it is.



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I too am dismayed at the woman's response.


I have the greatest respect of all members of our armed forces.


Although not in the armed forces myself, I too work in an organisation which is often criticised by public and press alike. And many times without a complete understanding of the facts.


Be proud of what you and your colleagues do for us all.


You certainly have my support.


Good luck and take care...



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