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Has anyone used .22 shorts in their 452? Do they cycle ok, fit in mag ok? accuracy?

Yes. I use them for feral pigeons at short range and I've head shot three or four foxes around farmyards when I've walked into them by surprise. I've never used them or test sighted them at more than 30 yards but at this range I've never had any need to re adjust my sight -which is zeroed for .22 long cases .

The drawback is that they have to be fed by hand which reduces the rifle to single shot.

Edited by comanche
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Thanks Comanche, what was accuracy like?


I tried them a couple of times in my CX452 and accuracy was abysmal. Also they are a pain to load. I thought it would solve all of my problems and only need to take the rimfire with me.

Personally I wouldn't bother and would use my HW100 air rifle at his range (obviously not for foxes).





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Thanks Comanche, what was accuracy like?

At the range(up to 30yds ) I was shooting it was spot on . To be honest though, you'd be better off looking for some low power long rifle ammo. There are options that fall between the standard sub-sonic loads and the rather weedy "fairground" CB caps.


I believe that to get the best from "short" ammo the pistols and rifles designed specifically for its use have a different twist pattern to deal with the shorter bullets .


It is also a mistake to think that all .22 short ammo is by nature low power . Some, like the RWS 25 ,are very potent little rounds and will outperform some long-rifle cartridges !.

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I've tried low powered rws and more recently CCI cb longs, and at 30 yrds you would be lucky to get all rounds in a ten inch circle.

Looks like there is no real low powered solution, at least in my gun.


RWS low power . Am I right thinking that they fire the same bullet as a "short "?. A dumpy little 29 grain thing .

All i can say is that I've used two types of short and both were straight enough at domestic ranges . One I can't recall the name and the RWS 25 which turned out to be quite pokey which kinda blew the purpose of using them !.

Both were target loads with no hollow point .Maybe that made a difference .


It is interesting to know that the low powered ammo you've tried was'nt very good . I've probably learned more from this thread than you have :thumbs:

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Has anyone used .22 shorts in their 452? Do they cycle ok, fit in mag ok? accuracy?


'Shorts' won't ever cycle through your Magazine, because it's made for 'Longs' SUPRISED you muppet?

If you try them (I think you might have by now) They just 'fly' out and drop in the grass!

You can single load them with difficulty (I know because I was you some time ago I'm a 'Muppet' to), and after all the

trouble, what happens? they shoot 1" low at 20 Yards, but I'm sure if you could bother to zero these

they would be as consistant as all the other 22Rimfire cartridges we can buy.

The bottom line is that these are perfectly good ammo, but were made for pump action 'gallery' rifles

at fairs (before laws made them use airguns), so cherish them while you can buy them they may be gone soon (like Pandas)?


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Has anyone used .22 shorts in their 452? Do they cycle ok, fit in mag ok? accuracy?


'Shorts' won't ever cycle through your Magazine, because it's made for 'Longs' SUPRISED you muppet?

If you try them (I think you might have by now) They just 'fly' out and drop in the grass!

You can single load them with difficulty (I know because I was you some time ago I'm a 'Muppet' to), and after all the

trouble, what happens? they shoot 1" low at 20 Yards, but I'm sure if you could bother to zero these

they would be as consistant as all the other 22Rimfire cartridges we can buy.

The bottom line is that these are perfectly good ammo, but were made for pump action 'gallery' rifles

at fairs (before laws made them use airguns), so cherish them while you can buy them they may be gone soon (like Pandas)?


Lol, thanks Andyf ...... actually, on thinking about it, they physically cannot work in the usual mag.


Trying shorts was the very last ditch effort to find a low powered round that would work in this gun, but I dont think I'll bother.


Comanche, RWS are 29 grainers in a long case ..... they were rubbish too!

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Has anyone used .22 shorts in their 452? Do they cycle ok, fit in mag ok? accuracy?


'Shorts' won't ever cycle through your Magazine, because it's made for 'Longs' SUPRISED you muppet?

If you try them (I think you might have by now) They just 'fly' out and drop in the grass!

You can single load them with difficulty (I know because I was you some time ago I'm a 'Muppet' to), and after all the

trouble, what happens? they shoot 1" low at 20 Yards, but I'm sure if you could bother to zero these

they would be as consistant as all the other 22Rimfire cartridges we can buy.

The bottom line is that these are perfectly good ammo, but were made for pump action 'gallery' rifles

at fairs (before laws made them use airguns), so cherish them while you can buy them they may be gone soon (like Pandas)?


They've been around since the mid 1800s-before the advent of pump action rifles . True they do have an association with gallery and dining-room shooting as well as in the pocket pistols of dodgy gamblers but they've also been produced as serious hunting and competition rounds . A lot of .22 rimfires were specified as being able to handle "Short","Long-Rifle" and the more obsolete .22 "Long" ammunition.

Modern rifles have settled on a twist configuration that favours the Long-rifle bullet.


As for trying to feed shorts through a Long-rifle magazine . Spacial awareness and angle of dangle tells you it ain't gonna work long before you try to poke the things in the rack surely?.


As I mentioned . I've fired shorts through my Brno/CZ at short range and they did the job. They went straight and were more pokey than an air rifle pellet . I only used them because the customer asked me to . Apparently "The man who used to do the job " always used them . Who was I to argue . To be honest all the rules about safe backdrops still apply so there don't seem much to be gained .

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