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ye treble :laugh:

Suarez only got through because they were scared of his fooking great nashers.   As for getting away with it - didnt You see Carraghers challenge on Nani - the dirty scum bag should have walked, no

i aint questioning what hes done or what he knows :notworthy: and as for spoilt mentality :no: not me mate,i was there when we won feck all home and away,as for his reasons only he knows,but i know one thing for sure,whatever they were they were wrong :thumbs:



Thats just the nature of competetive sport mate,nobody or nothing go,s 100% right all of the time......to think otherwise is just naive....or possibly a little spoilt just because it " usually does " go right ;)

Its the big club mentality...you are shocked when it go,s wrong for your club

Im shocked when it go,s right for my club :D

Edited by gnasher16
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well done city they was all over them from start to finish :toast: :toast:


Stick to ya own team, ya messer!! :whistling: Some of you Scouse fans are like gay men in the closet who protest too much about being straight... Closet Manchester United fans. :yes:;):laugh:



Absolute shite performance by United, apart from the first quarter of the game. How Berba missed those sitters I'll never know! :doh: Anyway, well done City & come on Stoke in the final!!



PS. Seeing as we've got a Liverpool fan commenting on Manchester United's FA cup exit, could the original poster please remind us how Liverpool got on in this years competition.. :whistling: It kind of escapes me how their run ended... :whistling::D

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did anyone see the liverpool v united youth team score :whistling:


Sadly I did.


As for taking Years too catch & overtake You, I look at it this way --- Your lot have been shiite for many Years, Bring back the fat Spanish waiter, Kenny should be banished to the side lines after the abuse He gave to nice Mr Arsene Wenger, oh thats right - He isnt United so we (the FA) will overlook that one.

Edited by Devon Fox
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did anyone see the liverpool v united youth team score :whistling:


Sadly I did.


As for taking Years too catch & overtake You, I look at it this way --- Your lot have been shiite for many Years, Bring back the fat Spanish waiter, Kenny should be banished to the side lines after the abuse He gave to nice Mr Arsene Wenger, oh thats right - He isnt United so we (the FA) will overlook that one.

exactly!!!! we have been shit but still regularly won various titles :boogie: take away your league titles and you have won as many as us in reality :yes: the only difference has been a better squad in depth which has help[ed you in the league!!! yes you dominated the last 20 years but we did the 20 before that if you want to keep going further back click on this link Liverpool F.C. and Manchester United F.C. rivalry its all there in black and white that even with a slight blip in the last few years overall history shows theres f**k all between us :yes: and come on foxy you know you cant say feck all about getting off with discipline you fuckers get away with all the time :doh: was nice to see abit of "fergie time" added on sunday tho must admit its handy :laugh: oh a malt my friend i remember well how our b team got "spanked" 1-0 at old trafford :thumbs: but remember our first team nailing you 3-1 at anfield :boogie::toast::feck: how many players does suarez beat here :boogie: i think if you include rafeal twice its 7 :feck:



all good banter tho boys :angel: remember its only a game :victory:

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Suarez only got through because they were scared of his fooking great nashers.


As for getting away with it - didnt You see Carraghers challenge on Nani - the dirty scum bag should have walked, no contest, made the scholes challenge against City look like a tickle :wallbash:


yep - its all banter - to be honest it will be Chelsea & City who will dominate now,so Liverpool have to get above United,Chelsea & Man city, so it will be a good few Years before You boys get a sniff :tongue2: .


The 3-1 will count for nothing when we lift the title :toast::victory:


Peace Bro :feck:


enjoy the video .....



Edited by Devon Fox
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Suarez only got through because they were scared of his fooking great nashers.

:laugh: you wish mate that pure skill and ability and well you know it!!!!


As for getting away with it - didnt You see Carraghers challenge on Nani - the dirty scum bag should have walked, no contest, made the scholes challenge against City look like a tickle :wallbash:

how would you say it compared to keanos challenge on hangeland?? :hmm: nanis just a faggot and made a meal of it :yes:


yep - its all banter - to be honest it will be Chelsea & City who will dominate now,so Liverpool have to get above United,Chelsea & Man city, so it will be a good few Years before You boys get a sniff :tongue2:

weve beat them this season easily :yes:


The 3-1 will count for nothing when we lift the title :toast::victory:

ill give you that :thumbs: 0-0 at newcastle will help you alot :laugh:


Peace Bro :feck:

no worries :feck: i love it :thumbs:


enjoy the video .....



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Suarez and Carrol for Torres was a good deal - cant argue that.


Keano( :angel: ) was punished heavily for that fair honest tackle you are talking about :thumbdown: - Carragher got nothing - it was a straight red and YOU know it. If You are going back that far in History, watch some dalglish challenges, You will se some really nasty stuff :icon_eek:


I will speak to You again in 2/3 weeks :toast:


ps Newcastle played well but we should have finished them in the second half, wont matter - Gooners are going to get done tonight at the Lane, come on the Yid army :boogie:


All the best You Scouse git :tongue2:

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Suarez and Carrol for Torres was a good deal - cant argue that.


Keano( :angel: ) was punished heavily for that fair honest tackle you are talking about :thumbdown: - Carragher got nothing - it was a straight red and YOU know it. If You are going back that far in History, watch some dalglish challenges, You will se some really nasty stuff :icon_eek:


I will speak to You again in 2/3 weeks :toast:


ps Newcastle played well but we should have finished them in the second half, wont matter - Gooners are going to get done tonight at the Lane, come on the Yid army :boogie:


All the best You Scouse git :tongue2:

:laugh: if the ref thought it was a red he would of gone so obviously it wasnt :whistling: :whistling: Chelsea and arsenal are only 6 points behind now and 5 games are left ANYTHING can happen yet :yes: like you said we will see in a few weeks!!!! id love it, just love it if united ended up with nothing after all the talk of the treble thats been going on :laugh: dont count you chickens while there eggs!!!!! atb you manc git :thumbs:

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You are starting to sound like Kevin Keegan - I would love it???? :blink: (how wrong was He?)


end up with nothing ?? ..... you mean like your average scouse rabble??


built by Shanks - destroyed by YankS ( I Hope)


If liverpool were playing in my back yard - I would pull the curtains.


I'd rather walk alone matey :toast:

Edited by Devon Fox
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You are starting to sound like Kevin Keegan - I would love it???? :blink: (how wrong was He?)


end up with nothing ?? ..... you mean like your average scouse rabble??


built by Shanks - destroyed by YankS ( I Hope)


If liverpool were playing in my back yard - I would pull the curtains.


I'd rather walk alone matey :toast:

i think you and craigyboy will get on mate :laugh: :laugh: keegan was wrong just soooo funny when he said that line :laugh: :laugh: id say its the french and the spanish that did the most damage changing things that never needed to be changed!!!! the last yanks just dealt the final blow!!! you mancs will gladly walk alone where as we never will have you ever heard a song about that???? :laugh::thumbs:

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You are starting to sound like Kevin Keegan - I would love it???? :blink: (how wrong was He?)


end up with nothing ?? ..... you mean like your average scouse rabble??


built by Shanks - destroyed by YankS ( I Hope)


If liverpool were playing in my back yard - I would pull the curtains.


I'd rather walk alone matey :toast:

i think you and craigyboy will get on mate :laugh: :laugh: keegan was wrong just soooo funny when he said that line :laugh: :laugh: id say its the french and the spanish that did the most damage changing things that never needed to be changed!!!! the last yanks just dealt the final blow!!! you mancs will gladly walk alone where as we never will have you ever heard a song about that???? :laugh::thumbs:

your dead right we'l get on,he talks sense,unlike you ya deluded scouse kunt,il give that sour faced kunt dalglish 2 more seasons tops,it wont be long before he walks,he cant handle the pressure,hes a bottler,he hasnt got another title win in him :boogie: you just keep dreaming ya mad scouse fecker :feck:

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