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Guest traceyg

Now tell the whole story that a certain some one said how you cant tell when they are a double :whistling: i can 100% tell you what ones are doubles :notworthy: Oh and dont forget to add how well i cooked the egg :notworthy:

Just a certain some one else needs to crack his double yolker and i will rest my case :tongue2:

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See a good cook and i know my eggs what more do you want . But seriously i had a lovely time and it was great seeing you and the other odd bods we met :icon_redface:


ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lovely , lovely what you mean lovely :o you say lovely to summit that is just lovely,, after a few days with Tess you say great or brilliant or orgasmic not lovely for goodness sake lol

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I've just got back in from a friends house sorting his coops and spraying the birds! :laugh:


That's cracking Tess, bet it tasted lovely!


LOL TG, of course you can tell, though In the past I've had small sized eggs producing a double.


Heres one, that my hen layed earlier in the week, sold it alone for a fiver....:tongue2:



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