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dog recall

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The last week or so my bitch has been playing up! When I call her bk she comes bk 2 me bt won't come any closer than 5meters which is annoyoing to say the least! Any tips to get the dogs confindence on coming bk 2 me cheers ytrewqm

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Are you putting her on the lead every time you call her back? If so start calling her over during your walk and throw treats at her. Once she get used to it throw them closer each walk until she takes them from your hand. Once you get this far just phase out the treats. I use a whistles as it could also be the tone of your voice and whistles don't sound angry. Just start at home blowing the whistle and praising/treating the dog when it comes to you. Just make sure you always give the dog a treat when you blow the whistle. Again when the dog obeys phase out the treats to about once in 5-10 times depending on how confident you are.

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