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I'm not a fox man but saw a DVD the other day about digging. It was very good to watch but at the end of the dig the fox had a grip of the terriers face. It got me thinking, are foxs powerful enough to kill a terrier bellow ground?


I've read about terriers getting suffocated or crushed but never killed by a fox. Has it ever happened? or has anyone herd of it?


No reason for this post other than I am just curious.




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ill tell you the truth mate i thought the same thing i thought a terrier would of got killed bye a fox but i sead to my sell i wont no it was my first terrier and it was not the tallest of terrier ITS THE BLACK AND WHITE JACK RUSSELL


Edited.....engage your bloody brain before you type will you!


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It got me thinking, are foxs powerful enough to kill a terrier bellow ground?

YES :yes::yes: It can and does happen ;) It doesnt happen alot but does happen. Its all part and parcell ;) Play with fire and eventually you will get burnt. To lower the risks in my opinion its best to get the dog as fit as possible before entering, and have all equipment in top order. Its no good trying to dig to a dog to have your one and only spade snap :no:


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Guest foxtrack

i know of a terrier that got killed by a fox not a small dog either and hard as nails a dog fox gave her hell i never thought i would see injuryies like this dished out by a fox she was to ground for three hours and died on the way home in the van the fox wasent very big but he must have been in a good spot

ive had dogs that have had real bad belts off foxes but that bitch is the first to get killed mined you ive seen a few dogs take early retirement by fox

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This reply my cause stir, but to hell with it (I've had a shandy :drink: )


Have you handled any game that bites back?


Im currently in the process of my Blacksmithing/farriery apprenteship,and the Old man in the forge, the boss, told me of a story.


Year ago before Badgers became protected, a man came into theforge, and asked for a huge pair of tongs, when my Boss askd what they were for, he was told the were for drawing badgers. The long and short is he was given short shrft and told in no uncertain terms to leave the forge. The idea of useing these tongs is unthinkable, but iwas wondering, when badgers were a legal game, how the hell were they drawn live from setts, because if a fox bites imagine what a pissed of brock would do to you!! :black eye: :chair:


jack :hmm:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Jack; Just to expand on ye point about " Badger Tongs " there; I own a pair of Badger Tongs, as once sold by a well known, West Country outfit of days gone by.


During my efforts to verifie their provinance I approached Mr David Harcombe. I asked if he'd ever have seen the exact Tongs, as supplied by the above. His reply was; " Badger Tongs? What the bloody hell would we have ever have needed those things for?! ".


I've seen a Welshman 'Dancing' with a Tailed badger, however. But all that relates to a time before " COSHH " appraisals. If Tailing a badger should have become a lost art, I'd hate to have to be one of the poor sods ever again to have to learn that art from scratch! :blink:

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