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Was scanning through the local paper last night when i came accross this.


"A RARE black swan has died after being shot with an air gun in Arnold park (nottingham)The swan was found dieing by visitors at Arnot Hill Park on wednesday,march the 30th.


A post mortem found the male swan had sufferd a pellet wound to its neck about 48 houers befor it died. The wound ment that it could not eat and triggerd massive haemorrhage when it tryed to flap its wings on the pond. Rangers are now monitoring the health of the female mate who is showingsignes of distress"


Not good after all the other things that have been in the paper of late.


where the F do all these prats come from.?????





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tell me about it mate,,,, i work on the same road as the local collage.....you should see the idiots that pass as the youth of today...


a bunch of rude arrogent no hoper's that will never do anything with there lives or do an honest days work.


and that comeing from some one my age..



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A lot of these pricks with ears that go for Swans are Eastern Europeans looking for a free meal :thumbdown:

They are also the type that trawl nets across ponds for Carp, Tench and Perch.


Then of course there are the tw@tting "youff of today" these are the ones that cant even spell youth and can't even put their initials on paper.


Bring back Corpral and Capital Punishment and National Service then watch what happens :thumbs:

Edited by Phantom
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A lot of these pricks with ears that go for Swans are Eastern Europeans looking for a free meal :thumbdown:

They are also the type that trawl nets across ponds for Carp, Tench and Perch.


Then of course there are the tw@tting "youff of today" these are the ones that cant even spell youth and can't even put their initials on paper.


Bring back Corpral and Capital Punishment and National Service then watch what happens :thumbs:



i agree to bringing back national service phantom...:thumbs: maybe the birch :D


cheers symon

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