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anyone ever used pocket poppers? they look like they could be a handy bit of kit .they stabilise the trap and form a small cubby.they could be pushed or buried into most rabbit holes with some adjustments for the spring. come to think of it ,why?,it havent fenn come up something like this as it would solve most of the problems with the mark6 [holes to big or small] and if the trigger plate was set in a well ,it would only need small amout of peat to cover it ,thus reducing the risk of stones falling under the plate



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Oh I like those.


To comply with UK law we'll probably still need to use some sort of tunnel,but even so .......



And I think I have just found a supplier. I'll see if I can get some shipped and then I'll stick a few in classified :D

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

My man, Gerald Schmitt does the Jim Blakey 'Pocket Poppers'. I've had my eye on them for some time now. Just so much else to pay out for and so little money! :laugh:


Gerald sells them for $3.50 each or $39.50 a dozen. That's a score for twelve, guys! Being plastic, they'll weigh next to nothing so Air Shipping won't make ye eyes water too much either. Best of all? If ye ask him nicely; Gerald accepts Pay Pal! :good:




Tell him the Irish customer who bought the Belisle's and the OutBack's reccomended him ;) Oh, and ask for his catalogue. Ye'll find that an Eye Popper!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:clapper: F*cking Excellent Input, Nightrunner! Thankyou!


Now; May be you can sort out something for me which everyone seems to assume is somehow genetically encoded into everyone who picks up a 'BodyGripper', but which has, frankly, mystified me from the start?


My question is; The 'standard' three notches. Which one is considered more sensative? Looking at ye picture there, I'm guessing the 'first' / furthest one out?


Also, have ye any experiance of / if so, what do ye think of the 'Trip Wire' kits ~ little crimp on wires that ye string between the ends of the Trigger Wires of a 'Gripper, especially to give mink something to hit?

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I have never used the pocket poppers myself or the weldmesh cubby tunnels but they look ok for squirrels and mink but I am not sure whether rabbits and rats would be comfortable passing over the plastic bases. Maybe a good layer of dirt in the bottom would get round this though.


Interesting stuff about the 3 notched triggers - I must admit I thought that was why they were made that way but didn't know for sure. :no:



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I have never used the pocket poppers myself or the weldmesh cubby tunnels but they look ok for squirrels and mink but I am not sure whether rabbits and rats would be comfortable passing over the plastic bases. Maybe a good layer of dirt in the bottom would get round this though.


Interesting stuff about the 3 notched triggers - I must admit I thought that was why they were made that way but didn't know for sure. :no:



i would coat all of the insides of this setup, because there ears and whiskers are more sensitive than there feet .


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  • 2 months later...
anyone ever used pocket poppers? they look like they could be a handy bit of kit .they stabilise the trap and form a small cubby.they could be pushed or buried into most rabbit holes with some adjustments for the spring. come to think of it ,why?,it havent fenn come up something like this as it would solve most of the problems with the mark6 [holes to big or small] and if the trigger plate was set in a well ,it would only need small amout of peat to cover it ,thus reducing the risk of stones falling under the plate



i bought some pocket poppers from the usa a few weeks ago ,and now ive had a play with them i will tell you what happend.

i went to a very rabbity hedge next to a motorway, the rabbits here cannot be shot, ferreted or snared so trapping is the only option .i first picked out 12 well used holes of about the right size ,then i pushed a pp in as far as it would go ,i then dug out for the springs ,this soil was put on the floor of the pocket ,when i had done them all i set one trap , and went home .the next day i had one dead rabbit[100% so far] . the rabbits had walked all the soil off the bottom of the pockets exposing the plastic but its not stopped them using them,i watched for an hour and saw young rabbits come and go via the pockets.i set all 12 traps and that evening i picked up 5 young bunnys ,the next day 6 more ,in a week i killed 37rabbits and 1 stoat,all the rabbits were youngsters except 2 old bucks,early days yet ,but it looks quite promising. micky

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