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my pup

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I've not run him on anything yet he's ran 1 rabbit lst month in the day he was off the lead so I dint have much choice. Took him lamping a couple of time to watch no slips tho guna leave him till nxt season he's my first running dog so want everything to go right no mistakes hopfully any how

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It's doing my heading now waitin for him to grow jst glad it's summer nw and when the season comes round we will b out got him retriving and recall stop on jst the cases of waitin now I think or should I do anything else with him? Just started jumping him he does my garden fence the one behind him with eases but he's not so confident when out yet?? Any help would be gratfully apreceated thanks

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It's doing my heading now waitin for him to grow jst glad it's summer nw and when the season comes round we will b out got him retriving and recall stop on jst the cases of waitin now I think or should I do anything else with him? Just started jumping him he does my garden fence the one behind him with eases but he's not so confident when out yet?? Any help would be gratfully apreceated thanks


Obedience, recall, retrieving and jumping - take your time and enjoy the summer. The new season wil be here soon enough and your patience and hard wiork will be rewarded. Nice dog - all the best with him.

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Hi mate,


My pup is the same breeding, whippet X collie/grey, he is 7.5 mths old and 24ins tts.

I dont think he will grow much more, but is the ideal size i'm after.

They will be big enough for most quarry.



Yours in sport Pernod


Edited by pernod
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Very nice dog bud looks like it's got a bit more greyhound in than mine! That's what kinda size I'm hoping he will make. Is it still very pupist? Mine is at the moments cheers for relpies keep um coming thanks

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Very nice dog bud looks like it's got a bit more greyhound in than mine! That's what kinda size I'm hoping he will make. Is it still very pupist? Mine is at the moments cheers for relpies keep um coming thanks


Hi again mate,


yes mine is indeed very puppyish, he has also became a wee bit headstrong, but these are things that will iron out over time.

His recall and retrieving have taken a bit of a step back.

He lives indoors, the first dog we have had inside, and he can be a bit of a pest at times.

He steals everything he can get his mouth to and can be a wee bit annoying if he is bored.

I walk him between 2-4 miles per day but this has no effect on his energy levels, he is 100miles per hour at everything he does. I put this down to the collie in him, and i cant wait for him to settle down a bit.


Cheers Pernod

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