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I have a saluki X. Yeah i understand i can run him next to a bike, car etc. Was just wondering if there is any other things you guys do or is this the main way of bringing a dog to peak fitness?

Sorry for the newbie questions, i'm sure you're all rolling your eyes at this one :icon_redface:



Edited by Clip
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A good balanced diet, red meat, carbohydrates, veg, thats it really and plenty of work. :victory:

hi clip i take my dog lamping you get more slips on quarry at night and the more slips you get the fitter the dog gets i dont need to do much road walking good topic cheers kieron

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plenty of carbohydrates, be careful of the too high protien mixes. One of my dogs had a problem with it and made her do nodding dog routine, really worrying, If you use (dare i say) dry food use a good balanced one and top off with meat/ fish etc. My too girls try and eat the tins before I get them out of the bag from asda (tuna in spring not salt/brine) Half a tin in each bowl with their regular stuff and they are great on it. They do get a lot of other stuff, bunnies, bits from butcher, venision scraps, etc I am lucky enough to have a good sized garden and they do a race track around the house so extra exercise not an issue. Dont know what the ethics are with most people about toys, but if you have a good field near by then get a frisbee, great for the dog with chasing and retreving plus with practice it can be chucked quite some distance. Running along side a bike is definately good one for working the distance, Had a collie x mongral! once when I was young and didnt know about what lurchers were ment for, Lived up in bristol then and had a big park that was speed restricted, while being taken to school in mornings dog used to jump out of car and run along side for 2 - 3 miles. he loved it (if only I had known what was possible i am sure he could have been great on the rabbits) :clapper::laugh:

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I feed a mainly raw diet. I get cheap beef off cuts from my local butcher, it's what he makes his cheaper mince out of and comes in nice big chunks. This is what he's mainly fed on, that and tripe. He also gets lamb breast and neck, pork hocks,rabbit and chicken. To his meals i add either egg, full fat cottage chesse or natural yoghurt a few of times a week. He gets pulveriesed veg/fruit every other day and i also make him a oatmeal porridge twice a week. Should i be adding more carbs to his diet? Everything i've read tell me not to :hmm:





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I feed a mainly raw diet. I get cheap beef off cuts from my local butcher, it's what he makes his cheaper mince out of and comes in nice big chunks. This is what he's mainly fed on, that and tripe. He also gets lamb breast and neck, pork hocks,rabbit and chicken. To his meals i add either egg, full fat cottage chesse or natural yoghurt a few of times a week. He gets pulveriesed veg/fruit every other day and i also make him a oatmeal porridge twice a week. Should i be adding more carbs to his diet? Everything i've read tell me not to :hmm:






hi clip


any chance i could live at your house im just not keen on tripe :hmm:


sorry mate :thumbs-up:


dobby :victory:

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a couple of you guys have mentioned make sure taht the dog has plenty of carbohydrates ..... WHY dogs are not human and dont derive their energy needs from carbs they get their energy from FATS ...... CLIP that dogs diet sounds ok to me and you certainly dont need to be adding any carbs as the dog is getting plenty from the balanced diet you are feeding allready .........

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a couple of you guys have mentioned make sure taht the dog has plenty of carbohydrates ..... WHY dogs are not human and dont derive their energy needs from carbs they get their energy from FATS ...... CLIP that dogs diet sounds ok to me and you certainly dont need to be adding any carbs as the dog is getting plenty from the balanced diet you are feeding allready .........


Good point, I was onnly going by what Vet said! agree that they are not human, was just trying to stop someone makeing same mistake I did when I thought my dog needed a working dog mix that was high in protien. made the misassumption that it was protien they needed for energy, fats sound good. Its what they get from the meat I guess rather than protien. :thumbs-up: I think the main thing has to be to keep it balanced.

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i have allway's fed raw it much better

the patterdale pup i have her now is on chicken ..thigh's.. leg's.. wing's ..from either morrisin's or iceland in iceland you can get a big back of chicken portion's for about £3.00

and she has rabbit. salmon off cut's from morrison's which she love's

sardine's in sunflower oil

and some brown bread. bones from the local butcher.

as the roman's said ..YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT

which i believe is true :victory:

edited to add not only is the pup fed this way all my dog's are

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