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How much throat does a brush wolf need?

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This was the second coyote of the morning, called in on a baby lamb call, handled by "the Boyz"

Driver is the black, Pokey the white spot, brothers out of the old Gypsy bitch who is old fashioned Russian blood. No pit bull added, none needed :D

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Nice do mate,...you will be sponsored buy "Primo's" in no time!... :clapper:


And heres me thinking you need five dogs on a Yote!....apparently you just need good dogs eh?... B)


All the best mate,..get your arse up here when you can!... :drink:


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There are a very few dogs that are fast enough to catch a coyote and then tough enough to finish a good one, not many at all but they do exist. Most coyote hunters run three for a sure catch and a quick humane kill. Also, two or three experienced dogs will take little, maybe even no damage occassionally, while a sigle dog would take damage that might put it out of commission for a while. Remember, these are pest varmints that ranchers want dead and gone.

Do they fight, heck yes, they are just smaller wolves. I have a young male stag that hammers a fox dead quick, time and again, but can't handle an average size coyote by himself (although he sure tries).

Foxes are quick and their strong point is that they twist and turn very well, while coyotes are much faster. The best winter coyotes are on a par speedwise with the longdogs, and I have seen a few (not most) just outrun and pull away from GOOD dogs.

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