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Guest The Shaman

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Guest The Shaman

Some of you will recall that I was havin real problems with my teenage son, burgalry, police, attitude the works. :(


A couple of members "oldskool in particular" were very supportive and had some good advice.


I have been trying to get the boy interested in more things than the typical "chav" culture he is drawn to.


I took him out shooting, lamping etc and he wasn't that bothered. I mentioned ferrets a while back and thought he had forgot about it.


Tonight my lad comes home pleading with me to help him with a hob ferret he has been looking after for the last 3 months at a friends house. The friend was moving, it was my sons ferret and could he bring it home.


I gave him the typical fatherly "you'd better look after it, they f**cking smell, your mother won't be happy but I will have a word with her" gruff stuff, but inside I was doing cartwheels - for those of you who don't know the story, my son was well off the rails.


I really hope this can be a border crossing point between me and my son cos i thought I'd lost out to this crazy culture teenagers are drawn to like moths to a flame.


Once again cheers to the lads that gave me support, you know who you are. :victory:

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I have a lad who is now 11 Shamen and getting a bitl of attitude! I'm now shitting it as he goes up next year to the secondary school I went to :cry:, it was a shit hole then and a bigger one now by the sounds of it! the trouble is this is in our catchment area and we now have no other choice, without being to harsh on my lad how do you bring them back on track again, I get the impresion with him that if I don't want him to do something he goes ahead and does it, as if he wants to rebell against everything! its probably teenage stuff now coming in but some respect wouldn't go a miss.


Good luck with you lad mate1 you're on track by the sounds of it :victory:...

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Guest The Shaman
I have a lad who is now 11 Shamen and getting a bitl of attitude! I'm now shitting it as he goes up next year to the secondary school I went to :cry:, it was a shit hole then and a bigger one now by the sounds of it! the trouble is this is in our catchment area and we now have no other choice, without being to harsh on my lad how do you bring them back on track again, I get the impresion with him that if I don't want him to do something he goes ahead and does it, as if he wants to rebell against everything! its probably teenage stuff now coming in but some respect wouldn't go a miss.


Good luck with you lad mate1 you're on track by the sounds of it :victory:...



Same for me Jasper, he goes to same school I went to, christ some of the old farts who taught there (and remember me, I don't know if thats good or bad :icon_eek: ) are still there.


He's intelligent, gets better grades than I ever dreamed of, it's the attitude, but I think that is a reflection of teenage society as a whole now (to those teenage lads,lasses out there who are polite/respectful I don't mean to tar you all with the same brush), but they really don't know anything, blissfully ignorant- it's a big world out there, and f**king mean. We try our best and that is all we can do - but the kids know best don't they!!! :blink:

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Oh mate tell me about it. My old man would take a pop at me about lads I used to hang around with and pretty much anything else, at the time I just about hated his guts through being a constant nag :blink:, the thing is we're big boys now and can now see that most of what our old men told us was pretty much true! I look back now and think "Boy he was right" expecially about one lad who was a supposed best mate, some best mate as I found out years latter that it was him who stole my old Motorbike :icon_eek:.


One thing I always had drilled into me was to respect my elders which has stood to me up until this day! the other thing I have tried with my kids is to get some manners into them! "Manners" cost nothing but can go a long way.


I'm hopeing that one day "Ryan" my lad will sit back as I have and say "My old man was a misserable b*****d but kept me on track :whistle:", Its not until they grow up a bit they realise that we're not getting at them but just trying to do things best for them! the biggest pitfall is My teenage years was a bit different than alot of kids these days, the days of roaming round woods as a kid with a Air Rifle or Catapault have all just about gone, if it isn't the law against them its some weido's that make it unsafe for them! there was a guy on the box the other week and he called most kids now "Cyber Kids" due to spending hours gameing or on a fecking computer of some sort! how right he was :blink:......

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Your lad is at an advantage already Shaman.........his old man cares about him!

Mine is 19 and i seem to have been on a roller coaster of worry since day 1!!

I thought i lost touch with my lad when he went away to university but last year him and his mates came out ferreting with me and genuinely enjoyed themselves.I couldn't believe my eyes.

I rekon if your kids know you care about them you can usually find a way to stay in touch with them...eventually!!!

Good luck to you both. :)

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Guest The Shaman
Your lad is at an advantage already Shaman.........his old man cares about him!

Mine is 19 and i seem to have been on a roller coaster of worry since day 1!!

I thought i lost touch with my lad when he went away to university but last year him and his mates came out ferreting with me and genuinely enjoyed themselves.I couldn't believe my eyes.

I rekon if your kids know you care about them you can usually find a way to stay in touch with them...eventually!!!

Good luck to you both. :)



Cheers Mooster - We do care - I hope one day thety realise it :clapper:

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Nice one Mooster :drink:! Its a wind up though mate when deep down we all want our lads to do the sort of things we did, I know its a different generation now but I would'nt swap my childhood and teenage years with any of the kids these days, where I lived it was litterd with woods and places to get upto mischief ;), I look at the same areas now and there's houses standing on them :icon_eek:.


Its the laws and the weird'ies in this country that has got a strangle hold over the kids freedom, My lads 11 and I would'nt dare let him roam around like I used to as a kid, its a shame mate they way things are these days....


Hey Jasp you got the wrong glasses on today mate :laugh::laugh:


:laugh::laugh: You're right mate! I'm a bit short sighted these days now I'm in my 40's! deep down I still think I'm a handsome b*****d like I was in my late teens earley 20's but then I look in the mirror and realise its all gone south :whistle:.....

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