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3/4 grey bed or 3/4 grey beardie

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Hi lads and lasses my old whippet dog isn't too good these days (hes 15 and a half) and I fancy a broken coated or rough dog to replace him.Would love to hear anyones opinions that have worked either crosses .I thought a half cross might not have the pace whats your thoughts?? I was very very interested in sowhats litter of beddy grey to whip x grey (but alas bitch didn't catch :( ) Would love your pics and finding of these breeds and is anyone breeding pups in the future??

all the best Stoaty

the old whippet



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I had a 1/2 greyhound 1/4 border collie 1/4 beardie collie. Best working hunting dog i have owned, was amazing at finding his quarry, very clever dog, very laid back at home, he lived to eat, sleep, hunt and have his belly rubbed. He wasn't fast enough for daytime a hare over a good course, but thats expected. So the 3/4 should have the edge speed wise. He rarely got injured, had very good skin and feet. Got him from hancock about 15/16 yrs ago.

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Any pics lads n lasses your dog looks similar to bitch my late uncle had out of willay and a collie grey border nice to see some pics

Stoaty :thumbs:


Got pics of my old 3/4 will need to get my wife to scan them in as they're not digital. I'll PM you them. Mite take a day or two tho!!! :thumbs:

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Hi Mate - best dog I've ever had is the blue merle 3/4 bred in my avatar. He did the lot. Got him from Hancock in 1986. You won't go far wrong with a 3/4 collie greyhound. Good Luck.



You are right there mate i.ve got a 3/4-1/4 Collie/Greyhound the sire to my pup is a hancock bred first x Beardie/Greyhound and the dam is a mates ex racing Greyhound that not to bad on rabbits :thumbs:

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saw some [bANNED TEXT] collie types m c glenns beardie type m chapmans bob , d slieght had a few good little rough dogs, saw a few hanckock alot i never ever rated ,as allround dogs ,i had afew my self but the smooth came through and lost the wiry coat the had ,wouldnt no were to get atop clas working broken coated collie type now ,there getting rarer now top class collie types who do the lot , hopefullty theyll make a comeback , hanckock would be my last bet tho

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