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well bred saluki x puppies & last E.S.S boy

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HI last two lads for sale sire:ruby x jan jacks dam: casper x poppy lines, sire saluki dam saluki x saluki bull.

one white parti and one brown dog left out of litter of 9 will make very good allrounders parents and grand parents can be scene bargain £150.00 for good working homes all jabbed and wormed up to date 11 weeks old now and full of it!!


Last E.S.S to no fault of his own ess boy 10 months old been messed about with him but lovely dog good little worker needs the 1-1 now to bring good standard out of him father steadroc staddle stones Dam: i own lovely bitch good over rough shooting will make lovely pet or rough shoot dog.£250.00 kc reg & up to date wormer jabs etc.


more pics etc can be sent if you pm me your email address's thanks atb


post-41157-0-16372500-1302608250_thumb.jpg springer dog bill chilling after a long walk out.


post-41157-0-85068000-1302608353_thumb.jpg out & about




post-41157-0-43715700-1302608477_thumb.jpg dam & sire to puppys

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like i said pig your was expecting a dog that could cook you breakfast and clean the house for £250.00 you got yourself a good strain of working dog, but you couldnt train a dog to sit let aloan to fetch or hunt your the shit!! you thick f88k the dogs not even 10 months yet and it is his fault ya right o :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: your such a loser you have to spent time on dogs.. slowly slowly with gun dogs not everything in one week you to88er!!


ps this lad txed me after just one week of having an 8 month old puppy saiding he was useless!!!! are you joking me? nobody sell this bloke a dog because if it dont f88k his misses caz he cant :icon_redface: he will call it shit!!! the bloke will never have a good dog only if he brought one off dave lesitt him self .........useless :censored:


words cant describe how much i think you are useless at anything to do with gun dogs thick :censored:

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the dogs was scared of everything cars loud noises people due 2 no contact with the out side world all it wanted 2 do was go rabbiting who want a 9 month old dog that does that face it u r the 1 with no clue if u want 2 use it as a gun dog dont let it run bunnies with lurchers so i say again dont wasit ur time lads

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You have got to be the most idiotic person I have ever laid eyes on!! He was 8 months old of course he will want to chase rabbits! U serious or what? It's about training the dog until he is about 24 months old u c8ck , as for scared of traffic he was born n raised on a livery n scaffold yard with constant contact to people n traffic what are you on about? Idiot !

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i wasnt going to bother waiting untill it was 24 months old , you could see as soon as we got it home it wasnt going to make the grade. exactly it hadnt been off the livery yard , it sh*t it self in new situations , you couldnt take a dog like that on the shooting field. the dog thats left was very timid and wouldnt even come up to us . needs to go to a pet home

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i just bought a 10 mth old spaniel dog who ruled his former keepers and there house .he was bought as a pet puppy but came from a working strain .time and effort time and effort he is walking to heal he knows floors are for paws now he will sit stay until called he has come a long way in 1 week time and effort my friend .there is no rush they are fast learners be patient give the pup time.

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