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Creatine and other suppliments

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winter will tell if vits creatin works when you can test the dogs to the limit as we no a dog can look good if it has a lot of greyhound or whippet in it we must rember humans anit dogs so creatin works for humans and they do differnt types of creatin to stop water gain in a serum :thumbs:

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Cod liver oil is good for dogs joints,skin and coat.Creatine is a natural substance found in red meat and when used needs to be taken with loads of water through the day or you will notice very little

Part deux as bad if not worse than part 1! Wtf is this guy on! Seems to me he is conditioning bulldogs (pit dogs) and not RUNNING dogs! Milk and protien shakes! Fluff me, is he aware the canine as a w

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  On 13/04/2011 at 07:48, rolysmate said:

DG at the moment due to computor problems is struggling to get on here however those who want to why not join up on poachers rest and ask your questions directly and I"m sure that DG will be happy to answer.


A statement he made to me in conversation one day impressed me when talking about supplements he said and I quote, "I just dont want to know what they do I want to know and understand why they do it."

Now there are alot of folk out there who don"t even know what they do as has been shown in this and other threads in the past never mind why they do it, DG has his knockers but then again anybody who puts themselves in the lime light and speaks out is going to have them, yes he can be outspoken and blunt, he doesn"t suffer fools gladly and generally doesn"t talk bollox he likes and enjoys knowing his subject.

I have taken the time to get to know the man and have found him to be a good honest friend who has a depth of knowledge which he is willing to share, now there are those who having read this will immediately put me as one of DG"s gang/disciples and because of that will make assumptions about me without even knowing me and wil want to dispute and disbelieve anything I say not a problem as far as I"m concerned but a shame really as at the end of the day were all hunters and dare I say dog men and should be working to the same end the improvement of our dogs and possibly if you took the time to get to know me you would find I"m my own man and very open to others thoughts (as long as they make sense).


Once again as I said get yourselves over to poachers and ask your questions BUT try and keep it sensible though I know that there are a few who find that difficult.

his computer seems to be logging him in on other forums ok,if he doesnt suffer fools gladly then how can he look at himself in the mirror :whistling:

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Guest Manitoba

think the said article aplies to dogs that actually get out and work hard on a regular basis as opposed to running a couple of hundred yards round a non ped track or running non peds at lurcher shows

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ive just read the artical in the cmw again an all i can say is what a load of crap!! if the dog is fed a good balance diet an regularly exercised it will have good performance an be in good health with out the aid of enhancement drugs so why add drugs an have risk it seems mad to me an also puts the impression to the up an comeing younger running dog owners there dogs need enhancement drugs to condition them to run/work(its all good food an good exercise for me) im also thinking this bloke talks shit!!with his exercise regime an how long will his dog live for with all this crap being put through the dogs body just food for thought! :):haha:

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Part deux as bad if not worse than part 1! Wtf is this guy on! Seems to me he is conditioning bulldogs (pit dogs) and not RUNNING dogs! Milk and protien shakes! Fluff me, is he aware the canine as a whole are lactose intolerant ? Feed natural real protien when required and not supplemented form for better results. This guy is a joke, and needs to get back to basics instead of quoting old "keeps" and using google as a nutritional tool. The students need to open their eyes, this stuff is old school and somewhat a bluff on his behalf. I've seen dogs in better condition the natural way more so than "his" dog. Accessing this board aint hard, technical problems my arse, come on here cur and debate your article.

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  On 13/04/2011 at 23:28, Gunner123 said:

Part deux as bad if not worse than part 1! Wtf is this guy on! Seems to me he is conditioning bulldogs (pit dogs) and not RUNNING dogs! Milk and protien shakes! Fluff me, is he aware the canine as a whole are lactose intolerant ? Feed natural real protien when required and not supplemented form for better results. This guy is a joke, and needs to get back to basics instead of quoting old "keeps" and using google as a nutritional tool. The students need to open their eyes, this stuff is old school and somewhat a bluff on his behalf. I've seen dogs in better condition the natural way more so than "his" dog. Accessing this board aint hard, technical problems my arse, come on here cur and debate your article.


well said

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  On 13/04/2011 at 22:24, poxon said:

ive just read the artical in the cmw again an all i can say is what a load of crap!! if the dog is fed a good balance diet an regularly exercised it will have good performance an be in good health with out the aid of enhancement drugs so why add drugs an have risk it seems mad to me an also puts the impression to the up an comeing younger running dog owners there dogs need enhancement drugs to condition them to run/work(its all good food an good exercise for me) im also thinking this bloke talks shit!!with his exercise regime an how long will his dog live for with all this crap being put through the dogs body just food for thought! :):haha:


i agree with you what a load of sh-te whats wrong with good food and a decent walk everyday

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Guest Anubis
  On 14/04/2011 at 08:43, mad for it said:

i now DG a long time a go and i would no listen to a word he say coz the way he keep his dog

is a disgrace



That is just bullchit...i have been to his home many times and his dogs are keeped in good order.

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  On 14/04/2011 at 09:40, alex1987 said:
  On 14/04/2011 at 08:43, mad for it said:

i now DG a long time a go and i would no listen to a word he say coz the way he keep his dog

is a disgrace


why is that?



Saxonmaster, what do you do with your dogs to keep them in good condition?


alright mate well he is on raw such as chicken with bones, minced organs and muscle, fish, veg and so on. i didnt start him on the lamp till the back end of last season but he was ferreting and shooting from the begining of last season so this years season will be his first proper one which will make him 2 years old in december. so his fitness training for most of last year was free running with his kennel mate abit of bike work nothing major retreiving the ball or dummy and long steady walks with the family and plenty of rest to because i dont want to mess his body up with kicking the arse out of it till his body can cope with the stress such as joints, tendons, lungs, heart and so on and just let him grow first. i am probably abit paranoid about joint because ive always had rotties and keeping there wieght and excerise down till they are ready has always served me well being that 1 female lasted till 12 a male till 10 and ive just got my bitch back who is 5 which ill put a photo of her at the end and you can see she is in great condition. this year will be something called fartlek training which is basiclly walk, jog, run over a set distance and different terrains which is aerobic and anaerobic along with the other exercise i said above but it is not set in stone every day i have a life, wife and kids to. im not slagging off the writer who wrote the artical he's probably forgoten more about lurchers than what i know or will ever know but i dont think its very cleaver promoting about giving dogs engineered foods where it's just as easy to feed them natural and get all the pro, carbs, vits, fats, creatine that is needed. and also just think someone who is new to dogs, lurchers or not and knows nothing about fitness and effects it might have if done wrong on the dog in trying to follow that programme. just my opinion mate not looking for a argument and im for sure not saying im 100% correct in my way as im still learning and always will learn new ways and before its said i know my dogs are not the greatest in the field but im happy.


rottie last year


collie/ grey last week








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  On 14/04/2011 at 13:14, saxonmaster said:
  On 14/04/2011 at 09:40, alex1987 said:
  On 14/04/2011 at 08:43, mad for it said:

i now DG a long time a go and i would no listen to a word he say coz the way he keep his dog

is a disgrace


why is that?



Saxonmaster, what do you do with your dogs to keep them in good condition?


alright mate well he is on raw such as chicken with bones, minced organs and muscle, fish, veg and so on. i didnt start him on the lamp till the back end of last season but he was ferreting and shooting from the begining of last season so this years season will be his first proper one which will make him 2 years old in december. so his fitness training for most of last year was free running with his kennel mate abit of bike work nothing major retreiving the ball or dummy and long steady walks with the family and plenty of rest to because i dont want to mess his body up with kicking the arse out of it till his body can cope with the stress such as joints, tendons, lungs, heart and so on and just let him grow first. i am probably abit paranoid about joint because ive always had rotties and keeping there wieght and excerise down till they are ready has always served me well being that 1 female lasted till 12 a male till 10 and ive just got my bitch back who is 5 which ill put a photo of her at the end and you can see she is in great condition. this year will be something called fartlek training which is basiclly walk, jog, run over a set distance and different terrains which is aerobic and anaerobic along with the other exercise i said above but it is not set in stone every day i have a life, wife and kids to. im not slagging off the writer who wrote the artical he's probably forgoten more about lurchers than what i know or will ever know but i dont think its very cleaver promoting about giving dogs engineered foods where it's just as easy to feed them natural and get all the pro, carbs, vits, fats, creatine that is needed. and also just think someone who is new to dogs, lurchers or not and knows nothing about fitness and effects it might have if done wrong on the dog in trying to follow that programme. just my opinion mate not looking for a argument and im for sure not saying im 100% correct in my way as im still learning and always will learn new ways and before its said i know my dogs are not the greatest in the field but im happy.


rottie last year


collie/ grey last week









fair enough. that sounds like a decent diet and exercise. the article in anyway doesnt say people have to use it, it is just what D uses for his dogs and along with a strict exercise regime it works very well. and i hear what you are saying about engineered products but if you get the amounts right (which the article states) it will be beneficial. from what i can remember the article does not say you have to use milk with the protien drink. (you can give that with water). you could say the same about the barf diet in that if you dont get that right the dog can miss out on essential nutrients. and as you said as long as what you do with your dogs and what your dogs do for you make you happy then thats all that matters.

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  On 14/04/2011 at 15:02, alex1987 said:
  On 14/04/2011 at 13:14, saxonmaster said:
  On 14/04/2011 at 09:40, alex1987 said:
  On 14/04/2011 at 08:43, mad for it said:

i now DG a long time a go and i would no listen to a word he say coz the way he keep his dog

is a disgrace


why is that?



Saxonmaster, what do you do with your dogs to keep them in good condition?


alright mate well he is on raw such as chicken with bones, minced organs and muscle, fish, veg and so on. i didnt start him on the lamp till the back end of last season but he was ferreting and shooting from the begining of last season so this years season will be his first proper one which will make him 2 years old in december. so his fitness training for most of last year was free running with his kennel mate abit of bike work nothing major retreiving the ball or dummy and long steady walks with the family and plenty of rest to because i dont want to mess his body up with kicking the arse out of it till his body can cope with the stress such as joints, tendons, lungs, heart and so on and just let him grow first. i am probably abit paranoid about joint because ive always had rotties and keeping there wieght and excerise down till they are ready has always served me well being that 1 female lasted till 12 a male till 10 and ive just got my bitch back who is 5 which ill put a photo of her at the end and you can see she is in great condition. this year will be something called fartlek training which is basiclly walk, jog, run over a set distance and different terrains which is aerobic and anaerobic along with the other exercise i said above but it is not set in stone every day i have a life, wife and kids to. im not slagging off the writer who wrote the artical he's probably forgoten more about lurchers than what i know or will ever know but i dont think its very cleaver promoting about giving dogs engineered foods where it's just as easy to feed them natural and get all the pro, carbs, vits, fats, creatine that is needed. and also just think someone who is new to dogs, lurchers or not and knows nothing about fitness and effects it might have if done wrong on the dog in trying to follow that programme. just my opinion mate not looking for a argument and im for sure not saying im 100% correct in my way as im still learning and always will learn new ways and before its said i know my dogs are not the greatest in the field but im happy.


rottie last year


collie/ grey last week









fair enough. that sounds like a decent diet and exercise. the article in anyway doesnt say people have to use it, it is just what D uses for his dogs and along with a strict exercise regime it works very well. and i hear what you are saying about engineered products but if you get the amounts right (which the article states) it will be beneficial. from what i can remember the article does not say you have to use milk with the protien drink. (you can give that with water). you could say the same about the barf diet in that if you dont get that right the dog can miss out on essential nutrients. and as you said as long as what you do with your dogs and what your dogs do for you make you happy then thats all that matters.


its nice to have a debate with someone without swearing you seem very clued up mate and know what your talking about and your correct in pointing out about the barf diet infect any diet. its just a shame some people will misuse it not to get the dog to be fitter but how ripped the dog looks it would be interesting though to see what long term effects it has on the dog giving it engineered products being that most lurchers or any running/sighthound breed do tend to have sensitive digestive systems. good to chat to you mate :thumbs:

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