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Right then, been flicking through this weeks copy of the countrymansweekly and theres a good write up on the use off supplements in working dogs, has any one else read it and what are your views? Have you ever thought about it or do you have a routine?


I am sure that alot of people will say 'with the right diet there not necessary' but this isnt what am after, I personnaly think that its a good idea and can give a dog the edge, be it in performance, recovery, overall health and well being.


I also think that theres a massive difference in giving your dog supplements such as creatine, B vitamins and cod liver oil comparred too sustanon and deca which this thread is not intended too be about.


Cheers, Bleachtastesnice

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Right then, been flicking through this weeks copy of the countrymansweekly and theres a good write up on the use off supplements in working dogs, has any one else read it and what are your views? Have you ever thought about it or do you have a routine?


I am sure that alot of people will say 'with the right diet there not necessary' but this isnt what am after, I personnaly think that its a good idea and can give a dog the edge, be it in performance, recovery, overall health and well being.


I also think that theres a massive difference in giving your dog supplements such as creatine, B vitamins and cod liver oil comparred too sustanon and deca which this thread is not intended too be about.


Cheers, Bleachtastesnice


If it doesn't cause any short or long term health problems in the dog and you actually need more performance then maybe. I only need a few rabbits a week and my dogs do this just fine so would be a waste of money for me.

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Aye mate, I think I know where your coming from and think your opinion is spot on, couldnt imagine alot of suppliment use in ferreting dogs and the steady workers who only need a few rabbits a week :thumbs:


Maby there was a difference in use and opinion pre-ban? Would also think there is more use in the coursing and racing scenes?

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the proof is in the pudding if the dog goes out and catchs anough for you your doing it right every man will say do something diffrent i read it food warm bed xcise works for me winter they need more with the work load :thumbs:

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