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I work 6 days a week, normally had 5 days down for all bills, anything children or wife needed, generally everyday bills, saturday money was for extras, if the kids wanted something or similar, it was used for that and the like, now, I have to work saturdays to pay for my fuel to travel to work the rest of the week.


And its not likely to come down is it, no matter what they do to Gadaffi. A bit of red wine, cherryade, call it what you like, may be called for soon methinks :icon_redface:

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i'm running veg oil it has been covered 100 times on here. 98p a litre to diesel at £1-38.9 easy choice before i get it will feck your car its an old 300tdi disco and my 300tdi range rover did over 35000 miles on veg oil so i will keep going until diesel comes down again if ever. i cant give you advice if your car will run on it ask google they will tell you

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TBH is a f*****g joke the price of it, but they have got you by the balls as you need it to get to work, but it might stop the fat lazy c**ts round here that drive to the shop/school, when it would take longer to use the car than it is to walk, or like one fat bitch gets the bus to school to drop off kids and pick them back up, kids get out at 3.15 she gets the 2:50 bus and its a 5 min walk for her, why the f**k would you just not walk down, it takes us 10 min and we walk to drop off and pic up son!!

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same here theirs another 3 familys in my street that get the bus 2 school which is only 5 min walk ,i do,nt think they will have time 2 sit down before they have 2 get off ,me and my young kids all pedel bike 2 school ,some are just lazyfcukers,and they wonder why theirs so many obeast kids in this country :wallbash:

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Put in £10 of petrol on Saturday. Went to Tescos to buy £6 worth of juice to make homebrew with. Orange light was on in the car by the time I was halfway home.


I have worked out I can produce ethanol for about 20p a litre if things things don't improve but will need to look at converting the car and what the penalties for distilling it would be.

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Put in £10 of petrol on Saturday. Went to Tescos to buy £6 worth of juice to make homebrew with. Orange light was on in the car by the time I was halfway home.


I have worked out I can produce ethanol for about 20p a litre if things things don't improve but will need to look at converting the car and what the penalties for distilling it would be.

was talking to a fella from the caribean about the miles upon miles of sugar planting going to waste .he said somthing about eec blocks on their sugar .iam certain it was ethanol they can get from the sugar .mabye thats how china is investing there.

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i run my van on lpg round here its 79.9 a litre, when i first got the van 2 year ago it was 53.9, it only holds 35 litre but i get between 220 and 250 miles on a good run and thats driving round towns to and from jobs, i brought the van already converted for 1400 and i looked in to it to see how much they are to convert and found the average for a proper set up is 1400 you will save money in the long run, i will keep my van till it goes bang or i crash it

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i run my van on lpg round here its 79.9 a litre, when i first got the van 2 year ago it was 53.9, it only holds 35 litre but i get between 220 and 250 miles on a good run and thats driving round towns to and from jobs, i brought the van already converted for 1400 and i looked in to it to see how much they are to convert and found the average for a proper set up is 1400 you will save money in the long run, i will keep my van till it goes bang or i crash it


I remember when diesel was cheaper than petrol, as soon as enough people convert, they will hype up the price just like they always do.

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I filled a boat up 2 weeks back,the bill was a tad over £900,spoke to an english guy crewing a super Yacht who stopped for a chat,the vessel he worked on takes 20,000 litres and is a pleasure craft :icon_eek:

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I filled a boat up 2 weeks back,the bill was a tad over £900,spoke to an english guy crewing a super Yacht who stopped for a chat,the vessel he worked on takes 20,000 litres and is a pleasure craft :icon_eek:



get a canoe ya fu.cka!!!!! :laugh: you Ok bro? :thumbs:

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