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Dandelion flowers - for making wine

Dandelion leaves - good in salads in small amounts (more bitter than the cultivated version called Rocket), great with worcs sauce

Dandelion roots - cleaned, fried and served with soy/worcs sauce

hawthorn leaves - great in salads, nice and nutty

ramsons (also called wild garlic) - delicious in cold salads, preserved, cooked instead of garlic (handful instead of a clove)

stinging nettle leaves - more iron than spinach, boil and chop with butter, or make beer/mead

Sea beet (also called wild spinach) - super duper good for you, more iron than nettles

Jack-by-the-hedge (also called garlic mustard) - ok for salads, not too many though

Chickweed - ok in warm salads

goosegrass (also called cleavers) - chopped and boiled like spinach with butter

hop shoots - great when fried up

carrageen seaweed (also called irish moss) - for thickening soups, making jellies

Dock leaves - young leaves ok in small amounts in salads/omelettes

primrose - leaves can be candied, used in salads. Only garden ones though as too RARE in the wild.

Beech leaves - spring leaves in salads or as a colouring/flavouring in licquers....

hazel leaves - as a flavouring mixed with other spices for pork

dead-nettles - leaves and young shoots in cold or warm salads

silverweed - leaves can soothe tired feet, roots baked and used as flour, or boiled in stews

sea holly - roots boiled as a veg, or candied in syrup, or roasted like chestnuts

rock samphire - fry in butter, blanch, or pickle

marsh samphire (also called glasswort) - fry in butter, blanch, or pickle

comfrey - leaves cooked like spinach

borage - young leaves/flowers are a good refresher/pick-me-up, in ice cubes in cold drinks



Obviously there are hundreds of other edible goodies (particularly mushrooms) but if I am not 100% sure it gets left alone. Let me know if anyones needs further info on these foragables....... :snack:

Naturally, please don't eat any of these if you are unsure. :thumbs:

Edited by Tomm Parr
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Ive got that is alright its called food for free



Yep, Food for Free is a great one to start, really simple writing style. I'd always recommend a collins Guide alongside it though, as F4F has no photos! Pru Coates, Steve Brill and Ray Mears have done a few good ones too. :snack:

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Ive got that is alright its called food for free



Yep, Food for Free is a great one to start, really simple writing style. I'd always recommend a collins photographic Guide alongside it though, as F4F has no photos! Pru Coates, Steve Brill and Ray Mears have done a few good ones too. :snack:

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