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Criminal Record

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Being honest gets you even less far though.


They should offer everyone released from prison military jobs. I bet a good percentage would take them and it would probably be great for many of them. I know giving rifles to some convicted criminals would be bad but there are plenty of other positions available servicing equipment or cooking for example.

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crimanal records are for criminals

lying on too many forms will catch up with you, and bite you on the arse. Even if you have to be crb checked, and you have a record, explain your self, and your regrets in the interview. If its a lo

Heres a thought though You apply for a job, and don`t get it,, you are narrowly beaten to it by someone, who you later find out is a convicted criminal who lied about their background.   Shoe on ot

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Funny you mention the army been thinking about that alot today. Wouldnt mind getting far away from london as possible and having a trade when i come out. It gets depressing at my age being around the wanna be rappers and petty drug dealers with street names lol honestly driving me mad.

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lying on too many forms will catch up with you, and bite you on the arse.

Even if you have to be crb checked, and you have a record, explain your self, and your regrets in the interview.

If its a long term job you are after, better to be as honest as possible.

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never been arrested in my life. No chance really of getting an apprentice with the way things are and i dont want to end up like most the lot in their 20s from my area. Would rather leave the army to find myself a job doing some sort of trade and live a nice quiet life by the coast.

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check out the rehabilitation of offenders act 1981 i went for a job with the council and informed HR i had a conviction before the start of the interviews and they told me about this act which goes in your favour.


its not just jobs try and get car insurance as well

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check out the rehabilitation of offenders act 1981 i went for a job with the council and informed HR i had a conviction before the start of the interviews and they told me about this act which goes in your favour.


its not just jobs try and get car insurance as well




The 'rehabilitation of offender's act' http://www.gov.im/lib/docs/infocentre/acts/roa2001.pdf (right at the bottom) tells you when certain types of convictions and cautions are deemed spent, meaning you don't need to disclose them on an application.


Certain professions and employments are exempt from the Act so that individuals are not allowed to withhold details of previous convictions in relation to their job when applying for positions in similar fields. They are not just for those working with kids/vulnerable adults, so be careful:


Those working with children and other vulnerable groups, such as teachers and social workers

Those working in professions associated with the justice system, such as solicitor, police, court clerk, probation officer, prison officer and traffic warden

Doctors, dentists, chemists or nurses



Managers of unit trusts

Anyone applying to work as an officer of the Crown

Employees of the RSPCA or SSPCA whose duties extend to the humane killing of animals

Any employment or other work normally carried out in bail hostels or probation hostels

Certain officials and employees from government and public authorities with access to sensitive or personal information or official databases about children or vulnerable adults

Any office or employment concerned with providing health services which would normally enable access to recipients of those health services

Officers and other persons who execute various court orders

Anyone who as part of their occupation occupies premises where explosives are kept under a police certificate

Contractors who carry out various kinds of work in tribunal and court buildings

Certain company directorships, such as those for banks, building societies and insurance companies

Certain civil service positions are excluded from the act, such as employment with the Civil Aviation Authority and the UK Atomic Energy Authority[1].


Aside from these professions, the law also exempts organisations if the question is asked:

by or on behalf of The Football Association, The Football League or Premier League to assess someone’s suitability to work as, or supervise or manage, a steward at football matches.

by the Financial Services Authority and certain other bodies involved in finance, when asked to assess the suitability of a person to hold a particular status in the financial and monetary sectors.

to assess a person’s suitability to adopt children, or a particular child, or a question about anyone over the age of 18 living with such a person

There are also a number of proceedings before a "judicial authority" (widely defined) that are excluded from the Act, and where spent convictions can be disclosed. These include applications for adoption or fostering, and for firearms certificates.[1]


Anyway one should always tell the truth. If someone is turned down for the job because of their criminal record then so be it, take it on the chin; it isn't anyone else's fault. There are plenty of employers who understand that mistakes are made. :thumbs:

Edited by Tomm Parr
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Heres a thought though

You apply for a job, and don`t get it,, you are narrowly beaten to it by someone, who you later find out is a convicted criminal who lied about their background.


Shoe on other foot!. Not trying to be a smart cnut, just healthy debate.


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I agree that no rapist or peado scumbag deserves a second chance but say you was convicted for putting the knife in some scumbag who had mugged your nan and its your only offence are you really that bad? lets face it everyone says they would do such a thing but half are all talk. I dont believe in cv/interview rubbish thats all a front and cvs tend to be people just blowing their own trumpet. I would much rather say youve got to work a month for free and watch whos still interested. I would then only work the remaining for a week based on how they done. Gets some work done for free saving money and you find someone who really wants the job and does it well saving money again in the run :)

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few year i had 1 of them back 2 work interview with someone from the jobcentre and she told me that its not the law 2 tell them about any convictions you previosly had if it means lieing trough your back teeth 2 but a paypacket on the familytable then theirs only one anwser, do it ,do what you must

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From the other side . . . Back in the '70s I was running my own business. A 19yr old lad came in, looking for a job. Any job, he had no special skills. He told me he was just out of Borstal - that was like Young Offenders nick in those far off days - 2 stretch for burglary. No-one would touch him with a 10 foot stick. He lived in the village, so I told him to come back the next day, and asked around. General opinion was he was a decent lad, easily led. He was screwing gaffs with a couple of older guys. When he came back I said he'd played it straight with me and I'd play straight with him, give him a fair crack of the whip, but if he ever f**ked me about he'd be out the door so fast he'd think his arse caught fire. Set him on as a gofer on the track, trained him on all the machines. He was one of my best blokes. Worked for me for 5 years and ended up as track foreman. Telling the truth told off for that lad.



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