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Criminal Record

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friend of mine recently just got out from doing abit of bird. His nicest bloke you can meet but applying for jobs they just see that his got a record and not given a chance. I cant blame the employers kind of thing because if i was running my own business and 2 people was equally good enough for the job then id choose the clean sheet...thing is this leaves people with some what little choice other than to go back to crime. Do you think the whole cbr thing should be scrapped other than peado scum and say repeat offenders?

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crimanal records are for criminals

lying on too many forms will catch up with you, and bite you on the arse. Even if you have to be crb checked, and you have a record, explain your self, and your regrets in the interview. If its a lo

Heres a thought though You apply for a job, and don`t get it,, you are narrowly beaten to it by someone, who you later find out is a convicted criminal who lied about their background.   Shoe on ot

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didnt know that will tell him. I wonder if they do check, never been arrested myself but work told me i cant go back until they sort out my cbr and i havent had too do a days work for the last 2 months and still been paid :D happy days but its only part time :(

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Tell them nothing unless the job requires a c.b.r check.I know now days every application for even for low paid unskilled jobs theirs usualy a question about convictions or criminal records do wat most of the forighners do and lie if you have a criminal record likes been said most never check up and that sort of information about you can only be gained by a c.b.r check.

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OK, this is summat I do know a lot about. A person does their time for their crime, end of? Nope not for the 5 to 10 years after the event!!! For those who have replied "lie" about it..................erm why? That is just not on and dishonest, be upfront and state your fu.ckin case, i.e. OK I've done what I've done, learned by my mistake, had a slap and have moved on for fu.ck's sake!

To lie is just opening a can of worms that evreybody else who knows your history is just waiting to bury you in :thumbs:



the attached is the livin proof, been there, done that and has never looked back!


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Theres a new law thats coming in soon, its called the ....vetting and baring scheme.


its been put in place to stop all and sundry requesting crb checks.


employers can only request a crb check if you are going to be working with children and, or vunerable adults


hope this helps.

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OK, this is summat I do know a lot about. A person does their time for their crime, end of? Nope not for the 5 to 10 years after the event!!! For those who have replied "lie" about it..................erm why? That is just not on and dishonest, be upfront and state your fu.ckin case, i.e. OK I've done what I've done, learned by my mistake, had a slap and have moved on for fu.ck's sake!

To lie is just opening a can of worms that evreybody else who knows your history is just waiting to bury you in :thumbs:



the attached is the livin proof, been there, done that and has never looked back!

it is dishonest but you do what you have to do to get the job (whithin reason).For exaple two people with equal qualifacations and expireance but one has a record for say a public order offence wich one gets the job.

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I remember one bloke got far with sir alan sugar on that tv show and turns out he had lied on his cv but to get that far shows he more was more than able to do the job. Seems being honest in this day and age gets you no where. I agree a cbr should only be doing when working with children...otherwise people will reoffend because i cant see anyone able to live on dole money not that you should be able too if your fit enough to work but then not much work around at the moment.

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