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Hi guys

my 3 month old collie x greyhound has hurt her toe and is limping around from time to time then when i let the patts out with her for a run around the garden its as if nothing's wrong she runs after them with zest!! do you think i should take her to the vets and waste another £75 or wait for it to heal by itself , i press and fell the toe and can't feel anything abnormal ?

cheers ;)

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could be a number of things ,have you checked pads for thorns glass ect,has your pup got soft pads like tissue paper and running on concrete /tarmac ect,if its limping when running after your other dog then probably best keep on lead for a couple of weeks ,whatever it is it dont sound too serious ,rest is best option .do you know any other good dog lads who you could get a second opinion from ?

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could be a number of things ,have you checked pads for thorns glass ect,has your pup got soft pads like tissue paper and running on concrete /tarmac ect,if its limping when running after your other dog then probably best keep on lead for a couple of weeks ,whatever it is it dont sound too serious ,rest is best option .do you know any other good dog lads who you could get a second opinion from ?

i mainly know terrier lads but i will ask a mate who we went ratting with from this site !! i think he has got a beddlinton whippet ? thanks for the advise ;)

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Hi guys

my 3 month old collie x greyhound has hurt her toe and is limping around from time to time then when i let the patts out with her for a run around the garden its as if nothing's wrong she runs after them with zest!! do you think i should take her to the vets and waste another £75 or wait for it to heal by itself , i press and fell the toe and can't feel anything abnormal ?

cheers ;)

just because you cant feel it doesnt mean its not there and if its limping at 12 weeks id get it straight down he vets as puppys bones are obviously very weak and supple compared to an adult dog. it could be nothing or it could be something that if left could cost you a hell of alot more in a few months/years ie a dog that cant run!!! £75 is not wasting money if you even slightly interested in working that bitch hard for many years to come thumbs.gif

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Gently massage the joints and toes,if the pup shows little discomfort then light exercise until the symptons pass,if on the other hand the dog shows an acute discomfort to your actions a trip to the vet would be the safest option.If you run to the vet every time your dog takes a knock in the field its going to become an expensive hobby.

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