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can this be true?

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if she is unmated an not brought out a season any other way, then they can die but dont think it will happen after 1 season


use a hob thats had the snip or get a jill jab fae the vets, they dont cost much :thumbs:

Edited by DottyDoo
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i have heard that if you dont have a hob ferret with a jill ferret the jill will eventually die, can somebody tell me if this is true or not.


NO its not true.. jills dont have to be mated but can die if left in season due to Aplastic anemia.


Once she comes into season ( swollen vulva ) you can get her sorted, 3 options - Vasectomised hob, jill jab or spayed :thumbs:

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i have heard that if you dont have a hob ferret with a jill ferret the jill will eventually die, can somebody tell me if this is true or not.




None have mine have died because they have not been mated , they can die from infection when the swelling goes down and they take a load of shite back into them selfs , if you keep her clean then there should be no problem .

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They wont die but its no nice to have them in season all summer its a big drain on them and you have several ways to take them out . And anybody with ferrets knew this was going to happen so should have been prepared

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ive 2 jills that i didnt want to breed from ,so i put an advert on a forum for the service of a vasectomized hob ,a guy sent me an email and i dropped them of for a week ,when i went to pick them up i gave him a sack of ferret food ,problem solved .

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