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6 rabbits for the r10

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Don’t worry about it John there is still tonnes of bunnies for Andy to shoot.


What I shot yesterday isn’t 5% of what is still there and I documented. They are every where and what I showed in the post is only really from one of the main 3 or 4 warrens.


It’s a real good permission in regards to young kits so the pantry should be well stocked later this year with prime juicy rabbit.






Thanks Kev buddy.



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Hi lads,   I decided that after a afternoon sleep today I was going to have a couple of hours of shooting on the permission as the sun was shining bright and the bunnies would probably be out soakin

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Great photos, good shooting and well done for not shooting that kit just to bump your numbers up and putting the work and skill/fieldcraft in to make some great, clean kills :thumbs: Respect is due.


Have a point.

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Hi Paul, yep the RWS Super Fields are a brilliant pellet and are just about the same as a FX 16 grain which the lads that use them will tell you are spot on.


I was weighing some the other day after reading Scotts brilliant post just to see how they fair as the last ones i weighed were not RWS ones and out of a tin of about 300 ish there were probably 250 bang on 15.9 grain, 40 at 16 grain and 10 at 16.2 grain so pretty brilliant really and tells me why they are so accurate in my rifle especially with them suiting my barrel as well.



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Hi Ideation,


Thanks pal. I dont shoot kits now unless instructed to as a vermin control task even then im not keen on having to di it.


As you say though i used to as a younger Si Pittaway to bump up my bag to try and look better in more experienced lads eyes without knowing that they were thinking that anyone can shoot a kit and it probably had the opersite effect.


Some kits are so calm you can walk up to them and almost pick up so wheres the sport and satisfaction in shooting them? Let them get wiser i say and have some life experience before you attempt to harvest them.



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there's just something wrong in killing a baby animal for the sheer hell of it, i was shooting a liverie last year, with orders to leave nowt standing as it were, kitts included and i came away after the affair feeling guilty as hell, and didnt wanna go back for a good few weeks i can tell you! i didnt post about it cos i couldnt see anything to be proud of about it,and certainly didnt want to post up pictures of mice sized rabbits.


fair play to you for your morals, i can understand when kitts have to be killed for genuine pest control, but its not something i would ever choose to do myself if i could possibly avoid it,and certainly not for sport.


all the best, wurz

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Hi Ideation,


Thanks pal. I dont shoot kits now unless instructed to as a vermin control task even then im not keen on having to di it.


As you say though i used to as a younger Si Pittaway to bump up my bag to try and look better in more experienced lads eyes without knowing that they were thinking that anyone can shoot a kit and it probably had the opersite effect.


Some kits are so calm you can walk up to them and almost pick up so wheres the sport and satisfaction in shooting them? Let them get wiser i say and have some life experience before you attempt to harvest them.





Few wiser words spoken my friend. Sometimes you have to do it, but its a rough job and leaves a bitter taste. I can't understand the people who post pictures of it on internet sites. Like you said, i guess they just want to be seen to be killing bunnys by the other folk, and think that the kills will earn them respect and acknowledgment, when in fact the opposite is of course true.


I've caught kits by hand before, your right if you move slow and calm, you can get within a couple of yards, and i've never liked shooting anything that just sits there staring at you, thats what slaughter men do, not hunters.


And there is also the fact that very little of use comes from then - no meat and no skin worth taking.


I really enjoyed that write up also. :thumbs:

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Nice write up mate and good pics too.

I agree with all about shooting kits and if I have the choice not to, I will leave them, unfortunately all my permissions at the moment want me to remove all rabbits, regardless of their age or sex. My solution is to only shoot the odd kit as proof to the farmers that Im actually doing something, the rest of them are left alone to grow older.

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Ideation :thumbs: .


Fair point that Mark buddy.


What the farmer knows doesnt have to be the whole story and if you tell them that by culling the breeding age rabbits it will help in the long run reduce the overal numbers being born he / she should see the light.


The odd 1 or 2 kits will also make them see that you are carrying out their wishes.





Edited by zini
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Not shooting kits is something that has left me seven blank bags and a little explaining to do.


Not that I'm against it and certainly not getting in any morale high horse.

I'm sure some folks will be filling there boots on a glut of young magpies soon and won't bat an eyelid.

Easy to jump on the total high ground.



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Not shooting kits is something that has left me seven blank bags and a little explaining to do.


Not that I'm against it and certainly not getting in any morale high horse.

I'm sure some folks will be filling there boots on a glut of young magpies soon and won't bat an eyelid.

Easy to jump on the total high ground.




"I'm sure some folks will be filling there boots on a glut of young magpies soon and won't bat an eyelid."


Not if they killed momma and dadda magpie first. :whistling:


. . . . . and anyhow, if there are kits about, there are adults, if your only ever seeing kits, it's because your scaring away the adults before you get into sight.

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