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Lamping doubled up dogs.

Guest bezza

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Guest bezza

I've always thought if you run two dogs together on the lamp you risk serious injuries as there will be a probability of the two dogs colliding at speed. However a couple of lads I know do it regularly and reckon there's not much risk of injury.

What are your opinions on this?

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If two dogs are slipped together and they dont make any mistakes i.e. one trips and joins in again few seconds later! It would be ok... But in reality thoses things happen and dogs end up running different courses altho they are chasing same thing and thats when it gets risky! Lamping is a risky buissness anyway and in my view running two dogs together makes it even riskier, my dog was on a chase this season when lamping and a mates dog slipped its lead and joined in and had a collision with my dog, two dogs lucky and escaped but could have been different story the speed they traveling. In my opinion better one at a time and its better sport lets the dog work its way and not pressured into making mistakes with other dog hanging about.


This is just my opinion others will have different views and for different reasons

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Someone I know used to lamp doubled up all the time, until his two dogs had a head on collision. Depressed fracture of skull for one dog: she was never the same again: had a soft dent in her skull for ever more: think it contributed to an early death due to a fit.

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I run mine together and have always run 2 dogs together but then they live together and know each others moves if you get what i mean.They run in the park together just having fun as well so i cant really say ive only ever had one accident and it wasnt my two it was my lass with my mates lass and mine ran into her dogs leg and gave her a dead leg for a bit but it was okay after 20 minutes

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I've always thought if you run two dogs together on the lamp you risk serious injuries as there will be a probability of the two dogs colliding at speed. However a couple of lads I know do it regularly and reckon there's not much risk of injury.

What are your opinions on this?


asking for trouble seen fatal accidents myself,dont bother however tempting it may seem at the time :thumbs:


on the back of that though :D ,im guessing not so bad,although the danger is always there, on the larger quary pre-ban, but certainly a no for rabbits

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I've always thought if you run two dogs together on the lamp you risk serious injuries as there will be a probability of the two dogs colliding at speed. However a couple of lads I know do it regularly and reckon there's not much risk of injury.

What are your opinions on this?

my old man lost a good bitch many years ago when she was doubled up with 1 of her pups, she turned 2 pick the rabbit up and the pup ran straight into her breaking her back. id say with inexperianced dogs ther'd be more risk of injury.

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I've lamped doubled up, seen dogs collide, no damage. I have also lamped single handed and lost a dog. unfortunately accidents happen no matter what you do. I've lost a dog in daylight too so it isn't just on the lamp that dangers lie. I suppose you weight up the odds and take your chance, your the one who has to live with the outcome. If you are scared of a dog getting injured, you'd never let it off the lead and maybe lurchers aren't for you cos as sure as night follows day, they will get injured. :thumbs:

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I run single handed on the lamp. The 3/4 bred collie greyhound in my avatar pic weighed 90lbs plus in his prime. He was a large solidly built powerful dog. One night when lamping with someone who I hadn't lamped with before my dog was in hot pursuit of his quarry, he turned it and came galloping full tilt towards us and the retard I had along with me slipped his beddie/whippet which was promptly run into the ground by my big dog. The small dog was out cold for what must've been 5 minutes and it was never the same dog again. Luckily my dog was okay. First and last time I lamped with this idiot.

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