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Eating, Not doing it!!

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Has any one had any trouble with their pups just stop eating for a amount of time for the last 5 days my pup has hardly eat f**k all!! :blink:


I'm getting a bit worried she used to love her food and now she turns her nose up at everything she wont eat chicken carcass beef tripe Ive even tried dry food :icon_eek: which Ive never fed her!


she might eat a mouth full then leave the rest it's really starting to bother me now as I thought it might be a mood shes going through!!


Should I take her to the vets?? :cry:



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Dogs can go a couple of months without food mate, so don't panic unduly. That said, for a young un to all but refuse food for five days is a bit concerning. Is she acting ill in any other way? Still passing faeces? Drinking?


If you're worried or the dog seems ill, down the vets wouldn't hurt (except yer pocket anyway lol).


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if the pups otherwise healthy in itself i wouldnt worry about it mate...he/shes probably just testing you,i wouldnt start changing her diet or he/she will just become a picky eater and have you standing cooking gourmet dinners eventually...just keep an eye on it,good luck

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how old is the pup? And has it been wormed recently? Sometimes a heavy worm burden can mess up their appetite as they don't feel well in their guts, even though they may seem normal otherwise. And if they are teething they often go off their food a bit too as their gums are sore. What are you feeding the pup?

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Dogs can go a couple of months without food mate, so don't panic unduly. That said, for a young un to all but refuse food for five days is a bit concerning. Is she acting ill in any other way? Still passing faeces? Drinking?


If you're worried or the dog seems ill, down the vets wouldn't hurt (except yer pocket anyway lol).




how old is the pup? And has it been wormed recently? Sometimes a heavy worm burden can mess up their appetite as they don't feel well in their guts, even though they may seem normal otherwise. And if they are teething they often go off their food a bit too as their gums are sore. What are you feeding the pup?



Dogs can go a couple of months without food mate :o not happy with that reply :no:


worming would be my first option as it make the stomach empty its self you will know with in the next 24/36 hours then it should start eating again if not vets



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Dogs can go a couple of months without food mate :o not happy with that reply :no:


:rolleyes: I said CAN not SHOULD. Canines, as carnivores, are physiologically adapted to going hungry for relatively long periods, and can manage >8 weeks without food. MANAGE, not THRIVE. Are you not happy with the reply because you know this fact to be untrue? Elaborate.


At no point did I say that they SHOULD go without food for this long. As should be apparent to anyone reading my post, I was indicating that a couple of days without feed won't do any harm, so long as the dog is otherwise well. Hell most raw feeders miss a day or two a week anyway to give the digestive system time to rest. I also followed the comment up with a recommendation of a visit to the vets should the dog appear otherwise unwell.


Mountains and molehills come to mind.

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She's 6 months in 3 days!! She is otherwise healthy yeh!! I wormed her on the 20th of last month!! She usually get's a pound of tripe in the morning with chopped carrot and swede 3 times a week and then a small to average size chicken carcass in the evening after her walk!


She's never been a lover of food and would never wolf it down but always eat it all that is why I'm worried.


She has got all her second teeth I don't know if they are fully grown yet!!


Has anybody got any suggestions or should I pop to the vets??


Cheers for the replies!!

Edited by cymruguy69
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if my dogs wont eat for one day i get concerned,as they are gready buggers.if my dog hadnt eaten for 5 days i would take it to the vets,personally i would have taken her on the third day if she hadnt eaten,but thats me.i always say its better to be safe than sorry.

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I totally agree with the last post,If a dog isn't eating then take it to the vets.............something is definitely wrong when a dog doesn't eat for 5 days.What a dog eats or doesn't eat in this case is one of the easiest ways of telling that there is something wrong.

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let us know how she gets on mate ,goodluck


Right back from the vets and glad I went and spent the money!!


She has a small ulcer on the roof of her mouth and her glans have swollen so she now has a tempreteure!!


She was given a pain killing jab for the tempreteure and antibiotics for the ulcer and glans!!


Explains the lack of eating!


The vet said that it looks like the ulcer was caused by a cut and she might have it from picking up a stick and splintered!!


Anyway she's back on track to healthiness!! and is sure to be ok soon!!!



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