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Hi All, Can anyone recommend a treatment for doing outside of my dogs.I have used the spot on / front-line type things in the past.I have three dogs 2x labs & 1x springer so can work out quite expensive.I use Drontal plus for worming them.Be good to use something that kills flea,mite,& ticks.cheers

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With flea treatment you get what you pay for i'm afraid .......... Frontline is an excellent product and will ensure flea free dogs, therefore will always command a higher price than shop brought alternatives. I've used it since it first came out and have never seen a flea on the dogs or the cats. We used to use it on the Lions and Cheethas when i worked in SA, trust me they had disgusting amounts of fleas and ticks when they came in! :sick:


Hyperdrug is an online store where you will probably get it cheaper than your vets. :thumbs:

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Frontline is the best option. You can use ivermectin but if you dog has any collie genetics then it could well die. Some other dogs are also allergic so not worth risking imo.


I have 3 dogs and just grab a pack of 3 frontline whenever I see a flea or see them scratching. I never do it until they look like they might have fleas.


I used to know a guy that lived out in the woods and did the good life thing. He swore by garlic in the food for keeping fleas away but garlic can also be bad for dogs if you are not careful.

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Hi. I've had problems with my terriers from mites, fleas & ticks. Have used Frontline, but it has immunity problems, also Stronghold is good, but Advocate is the best as does EVERYTHING except tapeworm,worked well with terrier with cat flea allergy (rescued it from cats!!!) :good: :welcomeani:

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Diatomaceous Earth: it is a very fine powder which you can work into the fur and contains absolutely no chemicals. It's made from the skeletons of tiny crustaceans millions of years old: the infinitesimally tiny sharp edges cut insects' skin and they dehydrate and die. It is brilliant: I've used it for years on chickens for mites, for harvest mite on dogs and walking dandruff, which is a form of mite which lives on the skin, not underneath it like the mange mites. Can't hurt mammals or birds at all. Also kills aphids etc on veggies and flowers. Just Google Diatomaceous Earth, you can buy it online and its dirt cheap as well.

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