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council estate hunters

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well being new to the site whistling.gif i must say ive noticed a slight class war going on here!!! it seems that if you wear tracksuit bottoms and own a bull cross your automatically classed as a chav who does hunting more damage than good etc etc load of bollox!!! some of the best dogs in the uk have been breed,reared and lived there whole lifes in the roughest estates in Britain and their owners have nothing but the dogs best interest in mind and going without so the dog goes with!! i live about 30 mins drive from one of biggest council estate in europe and some of the dogs from there are right out of the top drawer and there defo not all bull crosses owning chavs who live there laugh.gif everything from whippets to deerhounds live on there and if you need anything to do with dogs you will always find it on there boogie.gif yes ive seen some things i wish i hadnt by the dickheads who give them a bad name but ive seen alot worse going on out in the countryside by people who most would at first think is a good dog man just because of his house,kennels etc guess what im saying is judge a man in the field not where he comes from thumbs.gif

i can see the " BENEFITS" of dogs bred this way :laugh:
































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well being new to the site i must say ive noticed a slight class war going on here!!! it seems that if you wear tracksuit bottoms and own a bull cross your automatically classed as a chav who does hu

Dont care where your from.If you come to my door in a tracksuit.For a days hunting.I have to presume you havent got a cule.

im not to sure what this post is about anymore is it about council estate people owning dogs, chavs owning dogs, what you wear and owning a dog, do counrty folk make better dogman or should hunting be

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nothing wrong with council estates but more so when they come into the country side driving daft subbies over wheat b, dont no lie of land and well get caut a lot of them ,were if you stay no the land well you no more of the pitfalls.its not council satates its eejits in general and im afraid runnng dogs attract them ,nothing wrong with a pair of black trackies with no buttons ideal for nets nowt to get tangled on them ,warm and cheap enough to throw away ,for some the country side is aplayground to others its away to make a living thtas the diffrent with poachers hunters and once a week guys who come from town to country at times

mark.b the 1 who gose driving all over people land with no pri. and he got the neck call me and estate boy i dont really give a feck. he say my family dont no jake about dogs i got news for you patrick matthews is in our family same of you may no him so of you may not. so it ent just estate boys it the rich that f**k it up after all we cant affard 4x4 lol.

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There's too much of a divide as it is. It's silly to judge a person because they live in a council house and estate.


There are very good dogs/birds produced in all areas.


You are born with nothing, and you die with nothing.

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There's too much of a divide as it is. It's silly to judge a person because they live in a council house and estate.


There are very good dogs/birds produced in all areas.


You are born with nothing, and you die with nothing.

Spot on :thumbs:

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well said mate :notworthy: shouldent matter wear you live or what you wear if you live in a council eastate and wear tracksuit bottoms then so f*****g what :feck: does all these people that judge people like this expect you to run about starkers or do you have to have a wax coat and tweed trousers to be a hunter and no about the hunting game i dont think so go and take your faces for a shit yous country bumkins :bye:

and you head to toe real tree gear your daddy bought ya, is your trunks real tree :feck::doh: Edited by barry123
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the truth is the chavs have something you just cant buy.. a council house,and the rich have something you just wouldnt want, tax bills.lol, ive met a lot of dogmen over the years skint ,rich, some are wannabes some are just competetive and think its all a big competition,some do it for the camaraderie some just to fill the freezer and some cause its just an instinctive primal call of nature ..the lurcher owner can be as different as the lurcher itself,on the whole lookin at the big picturel lol ..there are good and bad in rich and poor but i will always think of a lurcher as a dog mistrusted ,by the average law abiding citizen :icon_eek: .and so the owner looks as suspicious...:thumbs: .guilty by association you see.ha ha but tracksuit or barbour i dont think the dog really gives a feck,what a load of ol drivell :boogy:

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lived on a council estate all my life and worked dogs,bit of shooting,ferreting,I DONT care what people look like when out trackies,trainers what ever but myself i try to dress to look abit right so dont look outta place kinda thing, not just that but there the right clobber for what i do waxys,boots,cammys, ect, dosent make ya any better just look abit right for what ya doing,

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I aint a fan of the mole skins, shirt and tie but ten times more likly to get a bit permission when asking if you swap them for the trakies. If i took someone to one of my permission with trakies and trainers on the land owner would look down his nose land is hard to get so i try look after it! I think most people i know that run dogs are from council estates and some good some bad but most of them including myself respect the country and animals we hunt, Upper class land owners are scared of the day they have never seen if they see someone walking their land that looks like a ned they worry...

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Yep theres a lot of good dog men from all walks of life BUT appearances are important, turn up at a farm looking at least as though you belong in the countryside and you"ve got more chance of coming away with permission.

You only get one chance to make a 1st impression!!!!!!

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not everyone living on council estates is a tracky wearing chav and anyone thinking there better than others due to money status is a wanker ive seen some great dogs come from estates most chavs live in private rents due to be thrown out of council houses but think anyone hunting in trackys and trainers are mad

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im not to sure what this post is about anymore is it about council estate people owning dogs, chavs owning dogs, what you wear and owning a dog, do counrty folk make better dogman or should hunting be for all walks of life???? for me and this is only my opinion yes it should be for all walks of life but should you make an effort when on someones land, yes and if you think people dont judge you for what you look like you need to grow up. and i would say if you are a chav and i dont mean your a chav just because you live on a council estate i mean a chav who doesnt care about what anyone thinks about them or there dogs you wont even bother with permission so why should they care about what there wearing they dont need to. i would say ive seen some people on here putting photos up on this forum of there dogs face covered in blood and bite marks all over it with there hands round the dogs neck pushing it close to the camara those sort of photos dont do anyone any favours ban or no ban and give dogmen a bad name. i went to a country fair not so long a go and was standing watching the lurcher show and there were lads with trackies on, pissed up tattoos on there face walking around in groups looking at the dogs and i must admitt i was thinking what the hell are you doing here and it looked rubbish on the show. i grew up on a council estate for the first 18 years of my life, tattoos from wrist to shoulders on both arms and legs, bold head (good looking though)hahaha and worked on the doors for 16 years and fairly well built i wouldnt dream turning up anywhere like that because i dont want to be judged before i even open my mouth. i work on a farm and i know what country people think of townies believe me and i dont agree with alot of there views but some townies really dont help themselves. i would say true countryman lads from council esates make the best countryman because they dont take if for granted its a place of escape and enjoy the whole hunting experience like the peace and quiet, wildlife, always learning about your chosen quarry, following the weather patterns and watching the changing seasons there is so much more to hunting then getting the biggest bag. like i said just my opinion. Long live the council esates :thumbs:

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