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council estate hunters

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im not to sure what this post is about anymore is it about council estate people owning dogs, chavs owning dogs, what you wear and owning a dog, do counrty folk make better dogman or should hunting be for all walks of life???? for me and this is only my opinion yes it should be for all walks of life but should you make an effort when on someones land, yes and if you think people dont judge you for what you look like you need to grow up. and i would say if you are a chav and i dont mean your a chav just because you live on a council estate i mean a chav who doesnt care about what anyone thinks about them or there dogs you wont even bother with permission so why should they care about what there wearing they dont need to. i would say ive seen some people on here putting photos up on this forum of there dogs face covered in blood and bite marks all over it with there hands round the dogs neck pushing it close to the camara those sort of photos dont do anyone any favours ban or no ban and give dogmen a bad name. i went to a country fair not so long a go and was standing watching the lurcher show and there were lads with trackies on, pissed up tattoos on there face walking around in groups looking at the dogs and i must admitt i was thinking what the hell are you doing here and it looked rubbish on the show. i grew up on a council estate for the first 18 years of my life, tattoos from wrist to shoulders on both arms and legs, bold head (good looking though)hahaha and worked on the doors for 16 years and fairly well built i wouldnt dream turning up anywhere like that because i dont want to be judged before i even open my mouth. i work on a farm and i know what country people think of townies believe me and i dont agree with alot of there views but some townies really dont help themselves. i would say true countryman lads from council esates make the best countryman because they dont take if for granted its a place of escape and enjoy the whole hunting experience like the peace and quiet, wildlife, always learning about your chosen quarry, following the weather patterns and watching the changing seasons there is so much more to hunting then getting the biggest bag. like i said just my opinion. Long live the council esates :thumbs:

brilliant post mate :thumbs: and its defo the last type im talking about lol :thumbs:

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well being new to the site i must say ive noticed a slight class war going on here!!! it seems that if you wear tracksuit bottoms and own a bull cross your automatically classed as a chav who does hu

Dont care where your from.If you come to my door in a tracksuit.For a days hunting.I have to presume you havent got a cule.

im not to sure what this post is about anymore is it about council estate people owning dogs, chavs owning dogs, what you wear and owning a dog, do counrty folk make better dogman or should hunting be

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At the end of the day most people living on council estates are tossers. However most people that don't live on council estates are also tossers. In summary most people are tossers and it doesn't matter where they live. I count myself as a tosser :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:


thanks very much, i will now toss off, gudnight all

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well being new to the site whistling.gif i must say ive noticed a slight class war going on here!!! it seems that if you wear tracksuit bottoms and own a bull cross your automatically classed as a chav who does hunting more damage than good etc etc load of bollox!!! some of the best dogs in the uk have been breed,reared and lived there whole lifes in the roughest estates in Britain and their owners have nothing but the dogs best interest in mind and going without so the dog goes with!! i live about 30 mins drive from one of biggest council estate in europe and some of the dogs from there are right out of the top drawer and there defo not all bull crosses owning chavs who live there laugh.gif everything from whippets to deerhounds live on there and if you need anything to do with dogs you will always find it on there boogie.gif yes ive seen some things i wish i hadnt by the dickheads who give them a bad name but ive seen alot worse going on out in the countryside by people who most would at first think is a good dog man just because of his house,kennels etc guess what im saying is judge a man in the field not where he comes from thumbs.gif

who bred your dogs mate , and what were they wearing when you picked em up , ??

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This one will be a long drawn out class war thread funny how half slate chavs in tracksuit bottoms now someones put abit of thought into a thread and folk pop up defending folk that hunt in tracksuits :laugh: ive seen a few decent dog men that come from council estates money or class had nothing to do with it but how they were as a person and no they didnt wear tracksuit bottoms,sadly most of what ye see now is young lads banging out litters for spare cash,killing everything as soon as the corns cut,driving the land kicking down fences to get on they buy and sell dogs on like there going out of fashion if ye had said ye statement in the 80s i would of agreed with ye but theres not much good coming outta council estates now dog wise,so if your genuine carry on ye crusade for the chav hunter if not why stir the shite seems pointless to me



spoken like a true snob :whistling:



an only reason i wear trackies is cos i chaff in anything else :icon_redface:

oh aye an im a chav :laugh:

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Guest jt750

This one will be a long drawn out class war thread funny how half slate chavs in tracksuit bottoms now someones put abit of thought into a thread and folk pop up defending folk that hunt in tracksuits :laugh: ive seen a few decent dog men that come from council estates money or class had nothing to do with it but how they were as a person and no they didnt wear tracksuit bottoms,sadly most of what ye see now is young lads banging out litters for spare cash,killing everything as soon as the corns cut,driving the land kicking down fences to get on they buy and sell dogs on like there going out of fashion if ye had said ye statement in the 80s i would of agreed with ye but theres not much good coming outta council estates now dog wise,so if your genuine carry on ye crusade for the chav hunter if not why stir the shite seems pointless to me



spoken like a true snob :whistling:



an only reason i wear trackies is cos i chaff in anything else :icon_redface:

oh aye an im a chav :laugh:


Says the biggest council estate hunter of THL ....:tongue2::laugh:

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This one will be a long drawn out class war thread funny how half slate chavs in tracksuit bottoms now someones put abit of thought into a thread and folk pop up defending folk that hunt in tracksuits :laugh: ive seen a few decent dog men that come from council estates money or class had nothing to do with it but how they were as a person and no they didnt wear tracksuit bottoms,sadly most of what ye see now is young lads banging out litters for spare cash,killing everything as soon as the corns cut,driving the land kicking down fences to get on they buy and sell dogs on like there going out of fashion if ye had said ye statement in the 80s i would of agreed with ye but theres not much good coming outta council estates now dog wise,so if your genuine carry on ye crusade for the chav hunter if not why stir the shite seems pointless to me



spoken like a true snob :whistling:



an only reason i wear trackies is cos i chaff in anything else :icon_redface:

oh aye an im a chav :laugh:


Says the biggest council estate hunter of THL ....:tongue2::laugh:



i love it, i dont even keep my catch, i feed the stray saluki's on me way home :laugh:

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im not to sure what this post is about anymore is it about council estate people owning dogs, chavs owning dogs, what you wear and owning a dog, do counrty folk make better dogman or should hunting be for all walks of life???? for me and this is only my opinion yes it should be for all walks of life but should you make an effort when on someones land, yes and if you think people dont judge you for what you look like you need to grow up. and i would say if you are a chav and i dont mean your a chav just because you live on a council estate i mean a chav who doesnt care about what anyone thinks about them or there dogs you wont even bother with permission so why should they care about what there wearing they dont need to. i would say ive seen some people on here putting photos up on this forum of there dogs face covered in blood and bite marks all over it with there hands round the dogs neck pushing it close to the camara those sort of photos dont do anyone any favours ban or no ban and give dogmen a bad name. i went to a country fair not so long a go and was standing watching the lurcher show and there were lads with trackies on, pissed up tattoos on there face walking around in groups looking at the dogs and i must admitt i was thinking what the hell are you doing here and it looked rubbish on the show. i grew up on a council estate for the first 18 years of my life, tattoos from wrist to shoulders on both arms and legs, bold head (good looking though)hahaha and worked on the doors for 16 years and fairly well built i wouldnt dream turning up anywhere like that because i dont want to be judged before i even open my mouth. i work on a farm and i know what country people think of townies believe me and i dont agree with alot of there views but some townies really dont help themselves. i would say true countryman lads from council esates make the best countryman because they dont take if for granted its a place of escape and enjoy the whole hunting experience like the peace and quiet, wildlife, always learning about your chosen quarry, following the weather patterns and watching the changing seasons there is so much more to hunting then getting the biggest bag. like i said just my opinion. Long live the council esates :thumbs:


well said

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i have been brought up in council estates all my life.....i now stay on an estate (bought an ex council house) with my wife an 2 (soon to be 3) children....i have 2 lurchers...i'm in no way scum......i work from 5 am till 11pm at 2 different jobs an my wife also owns her own buisness...this is to give my family a good start in life..i take my oldest son (3 1/2) out wi the dogs when i can an he loves it....i usually start running my dogs after 11:30 pm when i get home from work.,....i dont wear trackies but i know a few lads on the estate who do an it doesnt make them any less capable of bein good dog men....i guess what im saying is dont tar everyone wi the same brush..ye get good an bad in all walks of life.....all the best , yours in hunting..chris...

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well said bud, think the social devide between country and city people is pathetic, what gives anyone the right to judge someone just by the way they look where they live or what breed they own, i have suffered this personaly, i attended agricultural college but because i lived in a town nobody thought i could do it, not even the tutors, :wallbash: so i knuckled down and proved them all wrong, lets just say they all think differently of me now :boogie:

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