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Dog free to good home

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B*ll*cks! I've just spent ages wording a lengthy reply and then the internet went down and I lost the reply so will now try an abbreviated version.


Apologies in advance if I repeat myself but I've posted similar responses to similar threads on here before.


My second bitch was a collie x whippet bred by racing whippet breeder, Liz Tinsley, out of a 3/4 whippet 1/4 greyhound called Mermaid and sired by one of David Hancock's collies. The collie was called Tory and was 3/4 border collie 1/4 bearded collie. Many people don't like the sound of this cross as both breeds are sometimes criticised for being too nesh. Unfortunately for me, I feel I picked the wrong pup in the litter as this was definitely the case with her. She was the most nervous dog I've ever had but also the most obedient. She did exactly as she was told but only did as she was told ie she completely lacked any initiative. You could understandably argue that this was partly my fault due to overtraining. :icon_redface:


However, the vast majority of this cross that I've either met or heard about, both before and since, have been great little dogs.


You'll invariably find that the people who criticise this cross have never owned one whereas the people who have owned them usually sing their praises. Like all breeds or crosses they have their strengths and weaknesses. If they suit you, your terrain and working conditions then you'll find yourslf swelling the ranks of those who sing their praises. :thumbs:

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I have a first collie whippet bitch. 21.5 tts had two seasons of work. i use her mainly for ferreting/mooching she loves the bushing, shes a handy little bitch, good points: great feet, coat, nose, stamina, clever and obedience. bad points could do with bit more speed, sometimes to clever for her own good and could do with bit more height. if i was to ever to breed her it would be a pure running dog maybe working small pure grey or sal grey or deer grey whip

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