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First kill with my BSA

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I enjoy the hunting stories on here a lot and think its my turn to tell one.


I've had my BSA ultra for nearly a year and I've spent a lot of time plinking and hitting the paper targets. I have also spent many nights wandering around my 2 permissions scaring the bunnies but never actually hitting any(I'm not built for stealth)

This morning at about 0630 I was woken by a cooing noise, its not the first time for me, but its the first time that it has woken the girlfriend. She roles over and growls "just shoot the f***er" (I love her)so I slip out of bed and into the office and ease open the window. pop a magazine in and line it up with the noisy woodie on the telegraph pole. THWACK. just behind the eye. It didn't see it coming and she can go back to sleep while I look up recipes for pigeon pie on the internet.


Good luck to every one else today



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