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Cheeky I know

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I'm a Romany gypsy. I've seen a lovely piece of land for sale and it Would be ideal for a chalet and around 5 touring pitches. All I need is £25k to get my new life started. Sorry for being cheeky but whoever helps me out will get their money back as soon as I'm set up and I will also donate a further £25k to travellers times to help our fellow romanies. This isn't a scam, honest.


Simple fact is I'm going to Barcelona, I've never scammed anyone, I've offered to make it as transparent as possible so jog on

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I'm a Romany gypsy. I've seen a lovely piece of land for sale and it Would be ideal for a chalet and around 5 touring pitches. All I need is £25k to get my new life started. Sorry for being cheeky bu

Are you sure "Financial Consultant" is the right career path for you ?? LOL !! I can't imagine to many people putting their finances in your control, after reading this !! But good luck, anyway God

Is that the best money raising scheme a 'financial consultant' can come up with?



Nope :laugh: If you truely think this is my only idea then pal you don't know the half of it :thumbs:


do you realise that it takes a lot to ask total strangers for cash?? specialy with my pride :laugh:


More a chancer is this idea :laugh:

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There's this very nice Nigerian chap, ex- finance minister or something, keeps sending me e-mails offering me £50 million if I would just send him my bank details. Perhaps I could redirect his e-mails to you, 'shroom ?? LOL !!! ;)



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There's this very nice Nigerian chap, ex- finance minister or something, keeps sending me e-mails offering me £50 million if I would just send him my bank details. Perhaps I could redirect his e-mails to you, 'shroom ?? LOL !!! ;)




Already in talks with my great uncle sabusi's lawyer :laugh: :laugh:

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There's this very nice Nigerian chap, ex- finance minister or something, keeps sending me e-mails offering me £50 million if I would just send him my bank details. Perhaps I could redirect his e-mails to you, 'shroom ?? LOL !!! ;)




Already in talks with my great uncle sabusi's lawyer :laugh: :laugh:



LOL !! I was told you have a sense of humour !! Good luck with you move !! :thumbs:



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If you went to a money lender you would pay back what 40% ?...lets say 25% for good will....so where does this help for heroes bit come in ? :blink: .....who apart from you actually makes anything ?...and what guarentees is there of getting it back ?

Why are you not just saying " i need 5 grand and im condfident you will get your money back in a few months ".....the help for heroes bit just confuses things.

Edited by gnasher16
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so if u get the 5 grand and start a consultants and a guy comes in for advise on money your tell him ,its easy join a hunting forum and beg for the money ,no need for a bank loan on a new business venture..if u aint got money how u gonna set yourself up abroad it takes time and money to get started more than 5000 bar ,u be home sooner than expected..............all the best anyway i cant blame someone from starting abroad cause uk not good at minute.

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