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beddy cross

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think hes about 22 23 not measured him for a while, hes turning out to b a real good little dog, very obident, and very game already. he just wont jump, but im not that botherd about that, prob save in vets bills.ha


I'd rather put up with a few cuts, scrapes and sometimes worse to have a dog that will jump. In my opinion jumping is an essential part of a lurcher's toolkit. It would piss me off to see a dog chase until it comes to a fence only to see it come to a halt and hear it yapp its face off running a fenceline as the quarry skips off laughing into the distance. Teach it to jump!

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think hes about 22 23 not measured him for a while, hes turning out to b a real good little dog, very obident, and very game already. he just wont jump, but im not that botherd about that, prob save in vets bills.ha


I'd rather put up with a few cuts, scrapes and sometimes worse to have a dog that will jump. In my opinion jumping is an essential part of a lurcher's toolkit. It would piss me off to see a dog chase until it comes to a fence only to see it come to a halt and hear it yapp its face off running a fenceline as the quarry skips off laughing into the distance. Teach it to jump!

thats ur opinion, each to there own i suppose!

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